Public Works, Satisfactory Certificate
Formats of Certificates to be issued after completion of original works by different level Engineer Officers of Public Works Department before release of payments.
Government of West Bengal
Public Works Department
Works Branch
Nabanna, Howrah
No. 474-W(C)/1M-343/16 Date: 07.09.2016
Sub: Formats of Certificates to be issued after completion of original works by different level Engineer Officers of PWD before release of payments.
It has been observed that in some cases, the quality/ finishing of some of the works undertaken by PWD is not found upto the mark due to certain lacunae in proper planning, designing and monitoring by different levels.
After careful consideration of the above matter, the undersigned is directed by order of the Governor to say that the Governor has been pleased to prescribe the following formats of certificates to be given after completion of original works by different level Engineer Officers of PWD before release of payments:-
i) Certificates at Annexure A, Annexure B and Annexure C to be duly certified respectively by the Junior Engineer, Assistant Engineer and Executive Engineer concerned after completion of the original work upto the amount for which the Executive Engineer is empowered for technical sanction of the estimate (At present value of work is upto Rs. 45.00 lakh); and
ii) Certificates at Annexure A, Annexure B, Annexure D and Annexure E to be duly certified respectively by the Junior Engineer, Assistant Engineer, Executive Engineer and Superintending Engineer concerned after completion of the original work beyond the amount for which the Executive Engineer is empowered for technical sanction of the estimate (At present value of work is above Rs. 45.00 lakh).
The Superintending Engineer concerned may issue the above certificate on the basis of his previous inspections before the completion of the project
In addition to adherence to aforesaid guidelines, the Engineer Officers of Social Sector, PWD shall also ensure the following:-
a) Design/plan should be approved by the Department concerned; and
b) After completion of the work, a Satisfactory Certificate is obtained from the Department concerned before release of payment.
Necessary formats of certificates for the Engineer Officers of Social Sector, PWD are enclosed and marked as Annexure A, Annexure B, Annexure F, Annexure G and Annexure H for different level officers.
These instructions would come into effect immediately.
All concerned are being informed.
Enclo: As stated.
Sd/- Indevar Pandey
Principal Secretary
Public Works Department