Governor is pleased to direct that the two G.O.s vide no. 10581-F(P) dt. 28.12.2012 and no. 3101-F(P) dt. 17.04.2013 of Finance Department may be communicated to the sub-ordinate establishment for necessary action with additional directions regarding procedures if necessary.
Government of West Bengal
Department of Health & Family Welfare
M.A. Branch
Swasthya Bhawan, Block GN-29, Sector-V
Salt Lake, Kolkata-700 091.
No. H/MA/1056/HPT-32M-03/13 Dated, Kolkata, the 30th April, 2013.
From: The Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of West Bengal,
Deptt. of H & F.W., (M.A.Branch).
To: The Director of Health Services, West Bengal.
Sub: Movement to pre-revised scale no. 19 for the officers belonging to the WBHS & WBPH & AS Cadre.
After careful consideration of the matter relating to movement to the pre-revised scale no. 19 for the officers belonging to the WBHS & WBPH & AS Cadre, the Governor is pleased to direct that the two G.O.s vide no. 10581-F(P) dt. 28.12.2012 and no. 3101-F(P) dt. 17.04.2013 of Finance Department may be communicated to the sub-ordinate establishment for necessary action with additional directions regarding procedures if necessary. The G.O.s may also be uploaded in the Website of the Department.
Enclo.: As stated above.
Sd/- Deputy Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal