School Education, D. El. Ed ๐๏ธ 669
Heads of all D.EI.Ed Institutes are hereby instructed to scrutinize/ verify the filled โ in and submitted application forms of their valid students and authenticate such applications in terms of eligibility via online mode by 13/02/2023.
Update: D.El.Ed Part – I Examination postponed vide No. 59-WBBPE dt. 28.02.2023
West Bengal Board of Primary Education
“Acharya Prafulla Chandra Bhavan”
DK 7/1, Sector II, Bidhannagar, Kolkata 700091
No. 33/WBBPE/D.EI.Ed./2023 Date: 01/02/2023
As directed and in continuation of our earlier Notification No. 217/BPE/D.EL.ED/2022 Dated: 13-09-2022 and subsequent Notification/s, published in the website of the Board regarding the D. El. Ed. Part-I Examination for the session – 2021 – 2023, this is to notify for information to all concerned that the Part-I Examination Theoretical and Practical for the registered students of the above mentioned session will be held as per the following schedule. The schedule of Practical Examinations of the said session will be notified later on.
09/03/2023 | 10-00 A.M. – 01-00 P.M. | CHILD STUDIES (CC-01) (Theory) |
(Thursday) | 02-00 P.M. – 05-00 P.M. | LANGUAGE (L-1) Bengali/ Hindi/ Urdu/ Nepali/ Santali (CPS-01) (Theory) |
10/03/2023 | 10-00 A.M. – 01-00 P.M. | LANGUAGE (L-2) (English) (CPS-02) (Theory) |
(Friday) | 02-00 P.M. – 05-00 P.M. | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE (CPS-04) (Theory) |
11/03/2023 (Saturday) | 10-00 A.M. – 01-00 P.M. | MATHEMATICS (CPS-03) (Theory) |
The Examination Forms will be available in the Boardโs websites: and on and from 04/02/2023 for online submission. The registered candidate will have to submit their filled in examination forms along with requisite fees @ 300/-per paper within the stipulated last date, i.e. on 10/02/2023.
The Heads of all D.EI.Ed Institutes are hereby instructed to scrutinize/ verify the filled – in and submitted application forms of their valid students and authenticate such applications in terms of eligibility via online mode by 13/02/2023.
For such scrutiny and verification, the forms, received online and processed institute wise, shall be forwarded to the login of their respective Institutes.
The Heads of all Institutes are authorized to correct the signatures and photographs of registered candidates, if required, and upload them afresh according to the specifications, given.
The Board, after receiving the scrutinized/ verified forms, will process the forms to generate Admit Cards for the valid candidates.
All the Heads of the Institutes as well as the examinees are hereby requested to follow the Boardโs official websites: and for receiving intimation and instructions regarding the said Examinations.
The issuance of Admit Cards and the centres of the examination and modalities will be notified in detail in due course.
Sd/- Dr. Partha Karmakar, W.B.E.S
Deputy Secretary