West Bengal Labour Welfare Board will allow Son’s & Daughters of the employees, Scholarship/ Stipend for the course from Higher Secondary, Post Graduate, Medical, Engineering & Diploma Courses approved by this Board.
West Bengal Labour Welfare Board
P-3, C.I.T Scheme-VII (M), Kankurgachi, Kolkata-54
Ph No: 033-2320-7663/7624
West Bengal Labour Welfare Board will allow Son’s & Daughters of the employees, who are contributing to the West Bengal Labour Welfare Fund, Scholarship/Stipend for the course from Higher Secondary, Post Graduate, Medical, Engineering & Diploma Courses approved by this Board.
Conditions:-1) Yearly income of the contributing employee shall not exceed Rupees One Lac Twenty Thousand, 2) Minimum 65% Marks in Secondary Examination 3) Minimum 55% Marks in HS & Above Examination (Relaxation of 5% Marks for Students whose Guardian/Father/Mother are residents and employed in North Bengal).For Stipend: – 1) Yearly income not exceeding rupees Seventy two thousand, 2) Pass in Examination of the Board/University.
Candidate may apply in prescribed forms which will be available on production of Marks-sheet from 1) Head Office of the Board at above mentioned address, 2) Siliguri regional office of West Bengal Labour Welfare Board at Dagapur Complex, Post: Pradhan Nagar, Dist: Darjeeling, 3) All the Labour Welfare Centres of The Board, 4) From the official website of the Board-www.wblwb.org.
***Candidates who are continuing the courses should apply freshly in prescribed form for Scholarship/Stipend for each subsequent year of the Course. Recipients of Scholarship/Stipend from any other sources will not be eligible for the Scholarship/stipend of the Board.
Last date of receiving application: – 31st January, 2014.
The Board also invites applications for awarding Book Grant to the students of class IX & X from the families of workers who are contributing to West Bengal Labour Welfare Fund.
Conditions: –
i. Yearly Income of the contributing employee shall not exceed Rs. 78,000 /-(Seventy eight thousand) only;
ii. The student must secure Pass Marks in the annual examination in the School.
Candidates should apply in prescribed form which will be available from the locations stated above.
Last date of receiving application: – 31st March, 2014.
Amount of Book Grant: a) For Class IX – Rs. 200/- & b) For Class X – Rs. 250/- only.
Hon’ble Minister-in-Charge, Labour Department & Chairman of the West Bengal Labour Welfare Board has kindly consented to inaugurate a Rest Room for the workers contributing to the Welfare Fund, on the ground floor of the Head Office at Kankurgachi on 23/12/2013 at 11 A.M.
For details please contact in above locations.
P.P. Bhaumik
Welfare Commissioner