An overview of the school education system in West Bengal, highlighting its structure, challenges, and recent developments in curriculum, infrastructure, and policies.
Total Literacy Rate (%) | 70.16 |
Male Literacy Rate (%) | 79.89 |
Female Literacy Rate (%) | 59.73 |
Population (3 to 4+ Years) | 365853 |
Anganwadi (ICDS) Centres | 4836 |
Anganwadi Workers | 4758 |
Anganwadi Helpers | 4655 |
Children Enrolled (3 to 6 Years) | 268347 |
Children Enrolled (3 to 4+ Years) | 125025 |
Children Out of ICDS centers (3 to 4+ Years) | 240828 |
Population (5 to 9 Years) | 810928 |
Primary Schools (Govt. aided) | 3584 |
Sishu Shiksha Kendras | 1424 |
Total Enrolment in Govt. aided Primary Schools | 768758 |
Age Appropriate (5 to 9 Years) Enrolment in Govt. aided Primary Schools | 673899 |
Total Enrolment in Sishu Shiksha Kendras | 99363 |
Age Appropriate (5 to 9 Years) Enrolment in Sishu Shiksha Kendras | 73220 |
Total Enrolment in Private Primary Schools | 105716 |
Age Appropriate (5 to 9 Years) Enrolment in Private Primary Schools | 97038 |
Total Enrolment in Private Primary Schools | 105716 |
Age Appropriate (5 to 9 Years) Enrolment in Private Primary Schools | 97038 |
Total Age Appropriate (5 to 9 Years) Enrolment | 787942 |
Total Out of School Children (5 to 9 Years) | 22986 |
Pupil Teacher Ratio (PTR) in Govt. aided Primary Schools | 73 |
School Student Ratio (SSR) in Govt. aided Primary Schools | 216 |
School Teacher Ratio (STR) in Govt. aided Primary Schools | 2.94 |
Population (10 to 14 Years) | 847184 |
Upper Primary Schools (Jr. High, High, H.S. & Madrasahs) | 803 |
Total Enrolment in Upper Primary Schools | 432268 |
Age Appropriate (10 to 14 Years) Enrolment in Upper Primary Schools | 367200 |
Total Enrolment in Kolkata Schools | 103691 |
Age Appropriate (10 to 14 Years) Enrolment in Kolkata Schools | 95816 |
Enrolled in Primary Schools/ SSKs as over-aged | 125768 |
Total In School Children (10 to 14 Years) | 588784 |
Total Out of School Children (10 to 14 Years) | 258400 |
Pupil Teacher Ratio (PTR) in Upper Primary Schools | 72 |
School Student Ratio (SSR) in Upper Primary Schools | 538 |
School Teacher Ratio (STR) in Upper Primary Schools | 7.48 |