
Science Popularisation in West Bengal during 2018-2019

Higher Education, 👁️ 156

Proposals for Science Popularisation viz., Science Awareness, Seminar, Workshop, Conference, Science Camp, Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp, Teaching & Learning Materials & Methods, Skill Development Training Programme etc.

Department of Higher Education, Science & Technology and Biotechnology
(Science & Technology and Biotechnology Branch)

Science Popularisation in West Bengal during 2018 – 2019

Department of Higher Education, Science & Technology and Biotechnology, Government of West Bengal invites Proposals for Science Popularisation in the state of West Bengal, viz., Science Awareness, Seminar, Workshop, Conference, Science Camp, Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp, Teaching & Learning Materials & Methods, Skill Development Training Programme etc. from Research Institutes & Academic Organisation, Universities, Colleges, Schools, NGOs, Trustees etc. as per the prescribed format and Guidelines available on the websites: www.wbhed.gov.in or www.vigyanchetana.in latest by 6th October 2018. Proposed programme should be completed by 31st March, 2019.

Filled in Applications along with entire proposal (both hard & soft copies) to be submitted to:

The Special Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal
Department of Higher Education, Science & Technology and Biotechnology
(Science & Technology and Biotechnology Branch)
Vigyan Chetana Bhavan, (2nd floor)
DD – 26/B, Sector I, Salt Lake, Kolkata – 700064
e-mail: wbscipop@gmail.com
