Government of West Bengal
Department of Science & Technology,
Bikash Bhavan (4th Floor), Salt Lake, Kolkata 700 091
No. 1128/ST/P/S&T/12G-25/2011 Date: 12/08/11
The Governor is pleased to formulate the following rules for the State Award named Meghnad Puroskar.
On celebration of birth centenary of Late Prof. Meghnad Saha, Govt. of West Bengal has introduced an award named Meghnad Puroskar with effect from 1993. The prize is awarded every year to a Voluntary Organisation (V.O.), which is located and working in this state and which is adjudged the best Voluntary Organisation of the year for the performance of science popularisation activities.
- Prize comprising of Rs. 30,000/- (Rupees Thirty thousand) only with a certificate of Honour and plaque called Meghnad Puraskar will be awarded to a Registered Voluntary Organisation, located and working in the State of West Bengal, which will be adjudged the best Voluntary Organisation for the year for performance in the popularisation of Scientific and Technological activities in the State.
- For judging the activities of the award, the activities during the last three years will be considered.
- For the purpose of the award, Scientific and Technological activities will include the following areas:
- a) Activities aimed at creating scientific temperament and eradicating superstition and prejudices from the life of common people.
- b) Activities aimed at disseminating the benefits of Science and Technology to the Society and to develop socio-economic status of common people through field-level projects.
- c) Activities aimed at increasing scientific awareness, which will lead to the improvement of people’s health.
- d) Activities aimed at promoting self-reliance in Science & Technology, particularly in rural areas.
- e) Activities aimed at promoting science education and awareness among common people by bringing out scientific publications, developing new teaching aids and methods and promoting Science & Technology through exhibitions, workshops and training programmes etc.
- f) Activities aimed at developing technical skill generation and entrepreneurship development leading to employment generation.
- g) The Award Committee may find any other areas as relevant from time to time.
- Applications for award of PURASKAR from Registered Organisations of the State will be invited through advertisements. Publicity of this award will be geared up through Radio, Television and Newspapers. The advertisement of Meghnad Puraskar will also be sent to various the Zilla Parishads, the Universities and The National/ State R&D institutions and the leading organisations of science and technology for wide spread publicity.
- The Voluntary Organisations will be asked to provide detailed information about the membership, particulars of accounts, present pattern of funding, report of activities format prescribed by this department along with the documents:
- a) Xerox copy of Registration Certificate
- b) Broad area of activities.
- c) Area of operation or location of activities.
- d) Report of activities for the last three years (copy of annual report).
- e) Audited statement of accounts for the last three years.
- f) Sources of fund and sponsorship.
- g) Organisational structure and details of executive committee.
- h) Awards received during last three years.
- Particulars received from the organisations as per format will be considered while initiating the selection process of the award.
- Any organisation that has received an award of similar nature from the Government of West Bengal in a period of 5 (five) years preceding the 1st day of January of the current year will not be considered for Meghnad Puraskar.
- The organisation, which will fail to submit any of the requisite document, shall not be considered for award.
- The organisation will have to produce at the original documents for verification and reference at the Award Committee meeting.
- Unsuccessful NGOs of the previous year will be informed to submit application with only one year’s updated document.
- This department will form an Award Committee, which will finally select an Organisation for Meghnad Puraskar from the list of applications found eligible and based on the activities in the last three years.
- Any organisation receiving Meghnad Puraskar in a particular year will not be considered eligible for this award for next five years.
- The prize will be awarded in the form of cash/ cheque/ draft with plaque. In case there is a tie amongst organisations, the prize money will be divided equally amongst organisations and each will receive plaque for the respective year.
- The award will be published in the “Calcutta Gazette”.
By order of the Governor
Principal Secretary to the Govt. of West Bengal