West Bengal Board of Primary Education
“Acharya Prafulla Chandra Bhavan”, DK 7/1, Sector – II, Bidhannagar, Kolkata 700091
No. 1189(19)/BPE/2013 Dated: 06.08.2013
The D.I/s (PE) All Districts.
Sub: Allowance of scribes to the examinees of D.El.Ed Part – I and Part – II Examinations, 2013 to be conducted by the West Bengal Board of Primary Education.
I am directed to inform you that visually challenged and otherwise disable candidates to D.EI.Ed Part – I & Part – II Examinations, 2013 who have lost completely their individual capacity of writing shall be allowed the facility of using scribes from among the persons who are currently students of class – X or below.
In such case you are hereby authorized to allow such facilities of using scribes on proper verification of the documents below:-
1) Admit Card
2) Valid PH certificate issued by the competent authority
3) Proof/Proofs of having enjoyed such facilities on previous occasions.
4) The academic standard of the scribe, duly certified by the head of the Institutions where the candidate has been studying. A passport size photograph, duly attested by the Head of the Institution shall also pasted on the certificate.
Hope, you will exercise your authority under adequate justifications.
With thanks,
Yours faithfully
Sd/- Dr. R. C. Bagchi
No. 1189 dated 06.08.2013
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