Sectional Holiday on account of Karam Puja, 2017
Governor is pleased to declared 2nd September, 2017 (Saturday) as a Sectional Holiday on account of ‘KARAM PUJA’ for the employees belonging to Tribal Communities.
Governor is pleased to declared 2nd September, 2017 (Saturday) as a Sectional Holiday on account of ‘KARAM PUJA’ for the employees belonging to Tribal Communities.
Government of West Bengal
Finance (Audit) Department
325, Sarat Chandra Chatterjee Road, Howrah-711102.
No. 5299-F(P2) Dated, Howrah, the 25th August, 2017
In continuation of this Department Notification No. 5606-F(P2), dated 27.10.2016 the Governor is pleased to declared 2nd September, 2017 (Saturday) as a Sectional Holiday on account ‘KARAM PUJA’ for the employees belonging to Tribal Communities employed in State Government Offices, Local Bodies, Statutory Bodies, Boards, Corporations and Undertakings controlled or owned by State Government, Educational Institutions etc. and also for the employees belonging to Tribal Communities employed in Tea gardens, where Saturday is not observed as a full holiday, all over the State.
By Order of the Governor
Sd/- D.K.Mahapatra
O.S.D. & Ex-Officio Special Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
No. 5299-F dated 25.08.2017, Source