Sectional Holiday on account of Chhat Puja, 2012
State Govt. has declared November 19 as Sectional Holiday on account of Chhat Puja for the non-Bengalees of West Bengal who actually performs this puja.
State Govt. has declared November 19 as Sectional Holiday on account of Chhat Puja for the non-Bengalees of West Bengal who actually performs this puja.
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch
Writers’ Buildings, Kolkata-700001
No. 9233-F(P) Dated: 14.11.2012
In partial modification of this Department Notification No. 10972-F(P) dated 7th December, 2011, the Governor is pleased to declare November 19, 2012 as a Sectional Holiday on account of ‘Chhat Puja’ for the Non-Bengalees who actually performs this Puja traditionally and employed in State Government Offices, Local bodies, Statutory bodies, Board, Corporations and Undertakings controlled or owned by State Government Educational Institutions etc. all over the State.
Sd/- A. K. Das
OSD & e. o. Joint Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
No. 9233-F dated 14.11.2012, Source