
Self Financing Housing Scheme for Senior Level IAS Officers

Public Works,

Self Financing Housing scheme for senior level IAS Officers of the State Cadre similar to that of the West Bengal Government Servants and Policeman working for this State.

Government of West Bengal
Public Works Department
Establishment Branch
Writers’ Buildings
Kolkata – 700 001

No. 17 Date: 09/02/2016


Subject:- Allocation of land for self financing housing scheme for senior level IAS officers of State cadre.

The matter of launching a housing scheme for IAS Officers of the State Cadre similar to that of the State Government Servants and Policeman working for this State, was under active consideration of the State Government for quite sometime past.

2. Initially, as per approval of the Standing Committee of the Cabinet, Plot No. IID/41 with an area of 5.042 acres in Action Area IID in New Town, Rajarhat was allotted in favour of Public Works Department by WBHIDCO for construction of Housing for senior level IAS Officers working in the State. Public Works Department paid a lease provision of Rs. 1331.088 Lakh @ Rs. 264 Lakh/ acre for 99 years lease and the lease rent per annum has been fixed as 0.25% of the lease premium. Public Works Department is now in possession of the said plot of land. The estimated cost housing complex came to Rs. 254.06 crores.

3. In view of huge cost of the project the matter was reconsidered in the Government and to reduce the burden on state exchequer it was decided to modify the scheme as self financing housing scheme for senior level IAS officers of the state cadre.

4. Accordingly, the Governor is pleased, in the interest of Public Service, to hand over the said 5.042 acres of land allotted to Public Works Department by WBHIDCO, to West Bengal IAS Officers’ Welfare Society [WBIASWS] for implementation of a self-financing housing scheme on ownership basis and associated purpose for welfare of IAS Officers of this state subject to the following terms and conditions:

i) The Society would pay to the Public Works Department all amounts paid by Public Works Department for the said plot of land to WBHIDCO and other agencies till date.

ii) The Society would further pay to WBHIDCO, balance, if any, of lease provision/ lease rent due for the said plot of land.

iii) The land would be allotted to the Society for the balance period of the existing lease.

iv) WBHIDCO would not charge any further transfer fees in this case.

v) The land would be handed over to the Society after necessary payments have been made by them to Public Works Department and WBHIDCO.

vi) The Society would complete the project within 3 (three) years from the date of Grant of Lease to them from their own resources.

This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Department vide their U.O. No. 96 of Group – “F” dated 11/12/2015 and with prior approval of the Hon’ble Chief Minister dated 04/02/2016 for placing the matter before the Cabinet for Mention.

By Order of the Governor

Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 17 dated 09.02.2016