Government of West Bengal
Land and Land Reforms Department
Land Policy Branch
Writers’ Buildings, Kolkata-700001
No. 4146-LP/5M-50/13 Date: 06.09.2013
In addition to all existing charges and fees, Rs. 10/- (Rupees ten) only shall be collected as service charge per petition under section 6(2)(b) of Information Technology Act, 2000, where Block Level Entrepreneurs (BLE) shall be engaged for providing services to citizens. Such service charges shall be collected in cash on computer generated receipt and shall be deposited to the account of Project Management Unit of National Land Records Modernisation Programme (NLRMP). Such fund so deposited shall be appropriated for sustaining ICT infrastructure and payment to BLEs based on incidence of service provided to citizens.
This circular will take immediate effect.
Sd/- A.K. Singh
Addl. Chief Secy. to the Govt. of West Bengal
& Land Reforms Commissioner, West Bengal