
Services by University under WB Right to Public Service Act

Higher Education, 👁️ 213

Enclosed a specimen, comprising of a list of ten services which the University generally provides to the public under the West Bengal Right to Public Services Act, 2013.


No. 2513(19)-HE(Estt)/1 ‘O’-30/13 Date: 01.12.2015

From: Smt. M. Ray, IAS,
Additional Secretary to the Govt. of west Bengal

To: The Vice Chancellor,
…………………. University

Subject: Service to be declared under the West Bengal Right to Public Services Act, 2013


In reference to the above mentioned subject, I am directed to enclose a specimen, comprising of a list of ten services which the University generally provides to the public under the West Bengal Right to Public Services Act, 2013. In the said specimen the “Designate Officer”, the “Appellate Officer” and the “Reviewing Officer” along with the “Stipulated time” to give each services, have been identified as a model. The University may revise the designation of those officers and the stipulated time limit as per their convenience, under the specified model as depicted in the specimen. After being revised by the University, the services specified in the said specimen will be notified and published in the Official Gazette.

You are therefore requested to send to this department your comments and suggestions along with appropriate revision of the enclosed model within 15 days from the receipt of this letter.

Yours faithfully
Sd/- Additional Secretary

Enclose: as above

…………………. University

Sl. No.Services.Designated Officer.Stipulated Time.Appellate Officer.Stipulated Time.Reviewing Officer.Stipulated Time.
1.Issuance of Admit Card/ Duplicate Admit Card.Controller of Examinations.30 days.Registrar.15 days.Vice Chancellor.15 days.
2.Issuance of Identity card/ Duplicate Identity Card.Deputy Registrar.30 days.Registrar.15 days.Vice Chancellor.15 days.
3.Issuance of Registration Certificate/ Duplicate Registration Certificate.Deputy Registrar.60 days.Registrar.30 days.Vice Chancellor.15 days.
4.Issuance of Migration Certificate/ Duplicate Migration Certificate.Deputy Registrar.45 days.Registrar.30 days.Vice Chancellor.15 days.
5.Issuance of Marksheet/ Duplicate Mark sheet.Controller of Examinations.60 days.Registrar.30 days.Vice Chancellor.15 days.
6.Academic Record Verification.Deputy Registrar.45 days.Registrar.30 days.Vice Chancellor.15 days.
7.Issuance of NOC for Passport/ VisaDeputy Registrar.30 days.Registrar.15 days.Vice Chancellor.15 days.
8.Review of Examination Papers.Controller of Examinations.45 days.Registrar.30 days.Vice Chancellor.15 days.
9.Granting of Scholarship.Deputy Registrar.60 days.Registrar.30 days.Vice Chancellor.15 days.
10.Issuance of No objection certificate on various issues.Deputy Registrar.30 days.Registrar.15 days.Vice Chancellor.15 days.

No. 2513-HE dated 01.12.2015

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