To improve vitamin A status of the newborn the state has decided to administer single dose of 2 lac I.U. Vitamin A in oil orally to all post natal mothers immediately after delivery.
Government of West Bengal
Department of Health and Family Welfare
State Family Welfare Bureau
Wing A, 3rd. Floor, Swasthya Bhaban
GN 29, Sector V, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700091
Memo. No. H/SFWB/4V-01-2013/2826(20) Date: 14.05.2014
The Chief Medical officer of Health (all)
DFWO, Kolkata
Sub: Administration of Single dose of vitamin A in oil 2 lac I.U. to all post natal mothers
The colostrums and breast milk are rich sources of Vitamin A which helps to prevent childhood eye diseases and also reduce severity of diarrhea and acute respiratory tract infection. To improve vitamin A status of the newborn the state has decided to administer single dose of 2 lac I.U. Vitamin A in oil orally to all post natal mothers immediately after delivery.
In case of institutional delivery the dose is to be given by the staff nurse as early as possible after delivery, and in case of home delivery ANM/ASHA will give the dose during the first post natal check up. This 2 lac I.U dose schedule to administer only as a single dose and should not repeat to the mothers who have already received from the institute before discharge. This mega dose may be given up to six weeks following delivery but never to administer beyond this period. This is to record in the appropriate register and to be reported on monthly basis.
This Vitamin A supplementation to post natal mothers will start throughout the State with immediate effect.
Sd/- B. Satpathy
Director of Health Services & E.O. Secretary
West Bengal