
SMS Reporting of Maternal, Infant Death and Institutional Delivery


Like OPD tracking through SMS, tracking of Maternal, Infant death and institutional delivery through SMS has been undertaken by Dept. of Health & FW, Govt. of WB.

Government of West Bengal
Directorate of Health Services
State Family Welfare Bureau
Swasthya Bhavan, A – wing, 3rd Floor
GN – 29, Sector – V, Salt Lake
Kolkata – 700 091

Memo No. H/SFWB/263(18) Date: 14.03.2012

The Chief Medical Officer of Health (All Districts)

Sub: SMS based reporting of Maternal, Infant death and Institutional Delivery.

This is for your information that like OPD tracking through SMS, tracking of Maternal, Infant death and institutional delivery through SMS has been undertaken by Dept. of Health & Family Welfare, GoWB by developing software from 25th February 2012. In this respect a sensitization workshop had already been conducted at State level with the superintendents of the institutions having more than 100 beds and providing services for mother and child on 24th February 2012 where superintendents were directed to send the SMS to +91 9163344455 in the following format:

DR (Space) Facility Code (Space) MD (Number of pregnant mother admitted today) Space (Number of mothers died today) Space TD (Number of delivery today) Space ID (Total Number of infant admitted plus delivered today) space (Number of infant died today).

For example if we presume that the following details is available with the superintendent

Facility Code: FC0001
Number of PW admitted today: 12
Number of mothers died today: 2
Total Number of delivery today: 23
Number of infant admitted plus live birth today: 33
Number of infant died today: 3

Then the SMS will look as follows:

DR FC0001 MD 12 2 TD 23 ID 33 3

For this reporting please remember the following:

1. The mobile number from which the SMS will be made fixed and unit specific and has to be registered.
2. The SMS has to be send between 11 AM to 4.00 PM and after which no SMS will be received and the unit will be shown as defaulter.
3. Today means: Report for the just previous day i.e. if the SMS is forwarded on 23/03/2012 the report will cover the report from 12 midnight to 12 midnight of 22/03/2012.
4. This report has to be submitted even on Sunday and Government holidays.
5. No backlog report will be accepted by the software.
6. The data to be captured from all the related ward like
a) For pregnant mother from Antenatal, Post natal, Eclampsia ward, Labour room and high dependency ward (if available)
b) For infant from Paediatric, Neonatal, Postnatal/ metrnity ward, SNCU/ SNSU, NICU, PICU, Nursery & Labour room.
7. A SMS alert will be sent to the defaulting units by 3:30 PM after getting the alert the unit has to send the SMS immediately.

Chief Medical Officer of Health and the principal of the teaching institutions is eligible to look into the data by clicking OPD tracking in website www.wbhealth.gov.in. As MCS data and report.

Now it has been observed that all the units are not reporting daily. You are requested to look into the matter personally and guide the superintendents so that the report may be available from all the units. Please note that there is no need of sending data through SMS and e.mail as existing at present.

A list of institution along with their facility code and designated mobile number is annexed for your ready reference. Please share this with all the superintendents.

Addl. Director of Health Services (FW) &
State Family Welfare Officer

Sl. No.DistrictFCCODEFacility NameTypeFrom Number
2BankuraFC0055Bishnupur SDHSDH8101889860
3BankuraFC0056Khatra SDHSDH9474632002
4BurdwanFC0044B.M.C.H. HOSP.MCH9832258894
5BurdwanFC0045ASANSOL SD HOSP.SDH9475379132
6BurdwanFC0047KATWA S.D. HOSP.SDH9474363899
7BurdwanFC0046DURGAPUR SD HOSP.SDH9475331169
8BurdwanFC0048KALNA SD HOSP.SDH9732006658
9BirbhumFC0049SURI DHDH9434197008
10BirbhumFC0050RAMPURHAT SDHSDH9830322157
11BirbhumFC0051BOLPUR SDHSDH9434220909
12CoochbeharFC0092MJN District HospitalDH9475306214
13CoochbeharFC0093Dinhata SDHSDH9434542822
14CoochbeharFC0094Mathabhanga SDHSDH9433491149
15CoochbeharFC0095Tufanganj SDHSDH9233787455
16CoochbeharFC0096Mekhliganj SDHSDH9434230897
17Dak. DinajpurFC0080Balurghat DHDH9609196526
18Dak. DinajpurFC0081Gangarampur SDHSDH9475415937
19Darjeeling;FC0089Darjeeling DHDH9433832572
20DarjeelingFC0090Kalimpong SDHSDH9647839964
21DarjeelingFC0091Kurseong SDHSDH8927315151
22DarjeelingFC0084North Bengal MCHMCH9434037449
23DarjeelingFC0085Siliguri SDHSDH9641790190
24HooghlyFC0025CHINCHURA DHDH9674837136
25HooghlyFC0029Arambagh SDHSDH9903840019
26HooghlyFC0028Chandannagore SDHSDH9883308467
27HooghlyFC0027Serampore SDHSDH9433532145
28HooghlyFC0026Uttarpara Gen HospitalSGH9831134305
29HowrahFC0021HOWRAH DHDH9433400907
30HowrahFC0024ULUBERIA SDHSDH8609462113
31HowrahFC0022T. L. Jaiswal HospitalSGH9433215302
32HowrahFC0023Gabberia SGHSGH9163630577
33JalpaiguriFC0086District Hospital, JalpaiguriDH9433010405
34JalpaiguriFC0088Alipurduar SDHSDH9434036406
35JalpaiguriFC0087Birpara SGHSGH8001937278
37KolkataFC0030NRS MCHMCH9331018801
38KolkataFC0037RG KAR MCHMCH9433144023
39KolkataFC0031Calcutta National MCHMCH9830343734
40KolkataFC0034Cal Medical CollegeMCH9432227193
41KolkataFC0038S. N Pandip HospitalHOSPITAL9903475664
42KolkataFC0039Lady Duffrin HospitalHOSPITAL9831040137
44KolkataFC0042Chitaranjan Seva SadanHOSPITAL9433084277
45KolkataFC0005Vidyasagar HospitalHOSPITAL8902338848
46MaldahFC0078District Hospital, MaldaDH9002762945
47MurshidabadFC0072District Hospital, MurshidabadDII9434111195
48MurshidabadFC0074Jangipur HospitalSDH9433332101
49MurshidabadFC0075Kandi HospitalSDH9564279677
50MurshidabadFC0076Lalbagh HospitalSDH9674290343
51MurshidabadFC0077Domkal HospitalSDH9674290343
52NadiaFC0064KRISNANAGAR DHDII9434344838
53NadiaFC0065Nadia Saktinagar DPIDFI9434344838
54NadiaFC0066JNM, KalyaniMCH9836865302
57NadiaFC0069ChakdahaSGI I9434219834
60North 24 PGSFC0009BARASAT Dist HospitalDFI9434021889
61North 24 PGSFC0017Basirhat SDHSDH9433974932
62North 24 PGSFC0019Dr. JR Dhar SDHSDFI9434085573
63North 24 PGSFC0018Dr.B N Bose SDHSDFI9874226222
64North 24 PGSFC0020Salt lake SDFISDH9433329962
65North 24 PgsFC0010Baranagar SGHSGH9830452147
66North 24 PgsFC0011Bhatpara SGHSGH9434227403
67North 24 PgsFC0012Habra SGHSGH9434244028
68North 24 PgsFC0013Naihati SGHSGH9830360169
69North 24 PGSFC0014Sagar Dutta MCHMCH9830173132
70North 24 PgsFC0015Panihati SGHSGFI9239546721
71North 24 PgsFC0016Balaram Seva MandirSGH9433392736
72Pas. MedinipurFC0057Medinipur MCHMCH9434369947
73Pas. MedinipurFC0059Jhragram SDHSDH7384827275
74Pas. MedinipurFC0058Kharagpur SDHSDH9434061074
75Pas. MedinipurFC0060Ghatal SDFISDH9732531130
76Pur. MedinipurFC0061Tamluk DHDFI8436496823
77Pur. MedinipurFC0062Haldia SDIISDH9433252697
78Pur. MedinipurFC0063Contai SDHSDH9434992519
79PuruliaFC0052D.M. (Sadar) HospitalDII9434161775
80South 24 PGSFC0033M.R. BangurDH9051016913
81South 24 PGSFC0007D. Harbour SDHSDH9432215630
82South 24 PGSFC0008Kakdwip SDHSDH9733046357
83South 24 PGSFC0002BijaygarhSGH8902347782
84South 24 PGSFC0003Baghazatin SGFISGH9433974808
85Uttar DinajpurFC0082Raiganj District HospitalDFI9434967918

No. H/SFWB/263 dated 14.03.2012, Source

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