Under the Major Steps | Item No 3: “Awareness campaign for farmers’ registration.” | Item No 3: “Awareness campaign in the target Mouzas in each Block undertaken by the ADAs will be intensified and be sustained in other Mouzas progressively.” |
| Item no 5: “Out sourcing of skilled persons and active involvement of ground level field staff of Agriculture, P&RD and other allied departments for enrolment process.” | Item no 5: “The enrollment Process will be conducted by the ADA in each Block with field staff of Agriculture Department, P&RD& allied departments [if available]; supplemented by outsourced skilled persons.” |
| Item no. 6: “Organizing registration camp across the State at GP level from 28th January2019.”
Item no. 7: “Uploading of enrolment data: Quick Pre-registration followed by complete digitization of the application form after validation with L&LR data.”
Item no. 8: “Co-ordinate with technical stakeholders and data transfer.”
Item no. 9: “Document management after registration – Digital archive and physical archive.” | Items 6 to 9: “All steps are to be completed on the same day i.e Day 1” |
| Item no. 11: “Printing & Disbursement of Printed cheques / Bank Transfer.” | Item no. 11: “The step will be completed by WEBEL on the Day 2” |
| Item no. 12: “Continuous process of Financial assistance release and Krishak Bandhu card update at Cheque distribution camps through POS Machine.” | Item no. 12: “A copy of the Muster Roll will be provided by WEBEL support staff to the ADA on the Day 2.” |
| | Item No. 13: “Pre-printed Order cheques for each beneficiary with detailed Mouza wise list will be provided to the ADA, by the Bank on the Day – 3, for distribution to the applicants [on the Day 1], The Cheques will be distributed latest by the 4th Day – by the same set of staff deployed by the ADA on Day-1, supplemented by outsourced support [WEBEL] staff.” |
Under the recommendation of Procedure: | II. “Forms for enrolment of the targeted farmers under Krishak Bandhu Scheme (Designed by WEBEL) to be printed by Agriculture Department/ WEBEL.” | II. “Printed forms will be delivered by WEBEL to the ADAs latest by the 27th January2019.” |
Under the recommendation of Procedure: | IV. “Minimum 6 days will be required to complete the process of enrolment of farmers in each of the GP camps. The 1st Phase of enrolment will start from 28th January 2019 for holding camps in the GP offices. A mop up round may be held in the 2nd Phase by holding camps in the Block offices for enrolment of left out farmers.” | IV. “The applications from 2 Mouzas in each Block will be received from the beneficiaries on the 28th January 2019 and the cheques will be distributed to the eligible applicants latest by the 1st Feb 2019. Subsequently, the operation will be replicated to other Mouzas by the team within the Block – till complete coverage is achieved. The pace of receiving applications and distribution of the cheques should be gradually accelerated.” |
| V. “Basic details of the farmers as appearing in the enrolment form will be immediately captured through an App to be developed by WEBEL at the camps and an Acknowledgment Number will be generated and a SMS will be sent to the concerned farmer’s mobile as acknowledgement of receipt of the enrolment form. Later on other requisite details will be duly entered in the system.” | V. The Acknowledgement No. will be incorporated on the Application Form and the also on the Receipt [Slip] by the support staff as described in the para 7 of the Chapter on ‘Detailed Process’. |
| VI. “Each camp to be manned by 12 persons, out of which 8 will be from WEBEL for capturing details from enrolment forms submitted by individual farmers and 4 from various departments of state government (preferably from Agriculture, Horticulture, L&LR, P&RD etc.) for camp management.” | VI. “The names and mobile phone numbers of each of the support staff will be provided by WEBEL to the respective ADA on the 27th Jan 2019 and then onwards – 2 days in advance.” |
Under detailed Process Flow: | 8. “In the evening, the Data entry operator will do the complete data entry, and after the completion of data entry, the said data will be cross checked with L&LR data with Application Programming Interface (API)integration.” | 8. “Till the API integration is achieved it will be checked with the L&LR’s website.” |
| 23. “District wise payment request will be raised by Dept. of Agriculture and based on this request West Bengal State Co-operative Bank will generate individual Order cheque/ bank transfer for each beneficiary. When the financial assistance will be transferred to farmers by order cheques by the WBSCB, the cheques may be handed over to the DDA (Admin) of the respective district along with mouza wise beneficiary list/ Acquittance roll of each block” | 23. “Block [Mouza] wise cheques will be delivered by WBSCB to the respective ADA.” |
| 25. “The cheques will be distributed by Dept. of Agriculture. At the point of distribution, there will be smart card readers and the beneficiary farmer will swipe his/ her smart card while taking the cheque, so that the receipt is updated in his account and the portal. | 25. “Cheques will be distributed by the Agriculture Department – preferably from the same point on the 3rd or 4th Day of receipt of the application or at any other pre-announced location considering the beneficiaries’ convenience.” |
| The cheques may be distributed from the Block level office premises or on Camp mode to be decided by the District Level Implementation & Monitoring committee (DLIMC)”. | |