
Special Allowance for Protocol Duties by Secretariat Assistants


Additional remuneration shall be payable to those Secretariat Assistants who perform such protocol duties in addition to their normal duties frequently and on a regular basis.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch

No. 11135-F(P), Dated: 18.12.2009


Subject: Grant of Special Allowance in lieu of Special Pay/ Additional Remuneration for Protocol Duties by Secretariat Assistants.

In pursuance of the recommendations of the Fifth Pay Commission, the Governor has been pleased to make the following orders:

01. Special Allowance (in lieu of Special Pay):

The Government employees who are now drawing “Special allowance” for doing arduous nature of duties over and above the duties performed by them for the posts held by them in terms of rule 5(33)(b) of the WBSR-I and the Officers who are drawing “Special allowance” for holding some specific post shall continue to draw the same amount of “Special allowance” in the revised pay structure.

02. Additional remuneration for Protocol duties:

The existing rate of additional remuneration sanctioned to the specified Assistants not below the level of the Upper Division Assistants for performing protocol Duties under rule 5(33)(b) of the WBSR-I shall be raised to Rs. 400/- per month.

However, this additional remuneration shall be payable to those Secretariat Assistants who perform such protocol duties in addition to their normal duties frequently and on a regular basis.

2. This order will take effect from 1st December, 2009.

Sd/ S.K.Chattopadhyay
Special Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department

No. 11135-F dated 18.12.2009