School Education, Education Policy đī¸ 315
School Education Department has decided that the West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education shall act as State Level School Accreditation Authority (SSAA).
Government of West Bengal
School Education Department
Bikash Bhavan, Salt Lake, Kolkata – 700091
Memo No. 1542 SED-11099/319/2023-SECND SEC Date: 17.10.2023
Whereas the State Education Policy, 2023 notified vide no. 907-Edu(U)/HED-12016(99)/15/2023-UNV SEC-Dept. of HE dated 05.09.2023 recommended to set up a State Level School Accreditation Authority (SSAA) to conduct a qualitative & quantitative assessment of Schools and rank them using an objective matrix of performance indicators, and
Whereas, the State Education Policy, 2023 also recommended to initiate the accreditation exercise with the Higher Secondary level schools in the first phase, and
Whereas, in order to implement the recommendation of SEP – 2023 successfully, there is a need to have a proper implementation framework, to meet the objectives set in the SEP – 2023;
Now, therefore, the competent authority in the School Education Department has decided that the West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education shall act as State Level School Accreditation Authority (SSAA). The competent authority has also decided to constitute a committee consisting of following members to develop an implementation framework along with suggested timeline. The said committee shall submit its report within 4 weeks from the date of its constitution to the School Education Department
(i) Commissioner of School Education
(ii) Chairperson, WBCHSE
(iii) Addl. State Project Director, PBSSM – Member – Convenor
(iv) Concerned Jt. DPI as representative of DPI, Higher Education Department
(v) Swami Isthishananda, Headmaster, Narendrapur Ramkrishna Mission High School & Member, WBCHSE
Secretary (Admin)
School Education Department