

West Bengal Government Notifications related to Admission into various courses in different departments e.g. School Education, Higher Secondary Education, Higher Education, Health etc.

Mandatory Documents for Admission to Class V

Documents needed for Admission to Class V in all Schools under WBBSE:- a) Birth Certificate with Birth Registration Number and b) Primary School leaving Certificate.

Online Admission into UG/ PG Courses for Session, 2016-17

All the procedural and administrative modalities which were stipulated for online admissions for the academic session 2015-16 shall be followed in toto for the ensuing academic session 2016-17.

Prayer for Excess Admission of Students to WBCHSE

Prayer for Subject introduction, introduction of Co-education and excess admission of students should be submitted to the West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education within 30th of June positively.

Admission of Children in Govt. Schools/ Model Schools, 2016

Methodology for admission of children in elementary classes including Pre-Primary Class in all Government schools including Model schools for the academic session, 2016.

Admission of Children in Govt. Sponsored/ Aided Schools, 2016

Methodology for Admission of children in elementary classes including Pre-Primary Class in all Government Sponsored/ aided Primary/ Upper Primary/High/ Higher secondary schools for the academic session, 2016.

No HELP DESK in Universities and Colleges during Admission

No HELP DESK shall be allowed to be setup by anybody/ Association/ Union/ Council, on the campus of State aided Universities and Colleges during the online admission process.

Admission through De-Centralized Counseling, 2015-16

Guidelines for admission in Degree level Engineering, Technology, Architecture & Pharmacy courses through decentralized counseling process for the academic year 2015-16.

Vacant Reserved Seats in Admission to Colleges, 2015-16

Representations from different colleges have been received seeking advice/ clarifications on the issues as to whether the vacant seats can be filled up through off-line mode and the vacant reserved seats can be dereserved or not.

Online Counselling for Admission in B.Sc Nursing Course, 2015

Only female candidates who have secured 50.00% or above in case of UR candidates in aggregate in Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English and pass mark in each subjects in H.S. (10+2) or equivalent.

Last Date of Admission into 2 Year D.El.Ed. Course, 2015-17

Last date of Admission to Two Year D.El.Ed. Course (Face to Face/ Regular Mode) for the session 2015-2017 is hereby extended up to 22nd July, 2015.

How to prepare Merit List for Admission in Self-Financed PTTI

In case of Vocational Category, rank immediate next to the last cut-off, and so on in descending order of the Merit List of Vocational Category will be selected from the Vocational Category Waiting List only.

How to prepare Merit List for Admission in DIET/ Govt. PTTI

If any seat under General Category falls/remains vacant after the last date of admission, the candidate with rank immediate next to the last cut-off rank and so on will be selected for admission from the General Waiting List.

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