An auction is a public sale where goods or property are sold to the highest bidder.
Director of Transport Directorate shall act as Registration Authority as per Motor Vehicles (Registration and Functions of Vehicle Scrapping Facility) Rules, 2021.
Governor has been pleased to accord approval for disposal of scrap/ condemned/ obsolete items through e-auction portal of MSTC Limited for which upto 3% of the H1 (sale value) may be allowed to MSTC Limited as service charges.
Starting Bid Price fixed by the Auction Inviting Authority is not confidential and shall be displayed at auction bid page against each item for information to the bidder.
e-Tender/ e-Auction is mandatory and the Managing Director, Commissioner/ Chief Executive Officer/ Executive Officer/ Finance Officer/ Secretary and other office bearers will be held responsible.
The reserve price approved by the Departmental will be kept confidential in sealed packet under custody of the officer in charge of the tender/auction, till opening of the financial bids.
Executive Engineer concerned shall arrange for the sale of Government properties by public auction for and on behalf of the Governor. Under no circumstances shall any Government property be disposed of by private arrangement.
Governor has been pleased to approve the undernoted revised guidelines to be followed in respect of every government vehicle owned by different Departments or Directorates before the same is condemned.
Determination of the normal age of the state government vehicles to be taken into consideration while condemning them before disposal.