
Corona Virus

You can be infected by breathing in the virus if you are within close proximity of someone who has COVID-19, or by touching a contaminated surface and then your eyes, nose or mouth.

Remission of Stamp Duty by 2% for Several types of Registration

Government in the Finance (Revenue) Department have considered the necessity for remission of Stamp Duty temporarily by 2% for several types of registration up to 31st December, 2022

Rising Number of COVID cases in West Bengal

Only asymptomatic and fully vaccinated people should preferably attend the public gatherings following covid appropriate behaviour.

Relaxation of Austerity Measures (2nd Wave of COVID19)

In order to combat the second wave of the pandemic COVID19, some additional austerity measures were imposed in terms of FD Memo No. 1971-F(Y) dated 30.06.2021 on certain types of procurement including procurement of computer and IT related accessories.

COVID-19 Restriction and Relaxation Measures revoked in West Bengal

After a review of the current situation of COVID-19 pandemic, in view of the overall decline in total caseload and positivity rate and overall improvement in the situation, the restrictions imposed can now be revoked.

Paryatan Sahayata Prakalpa – Working Capital Support Scheme for Tourism Industry

Governor is pleased to introduce the scheme PARYATAN SAHAYATA PRAKALPA (name is indicative) as a Relief Scheme for the Travel and Tourism sector in West Bengal.

Restriction and Relaxation Measures on HOLI Festival, 2022

On the occasion of the HOLI FESTIVAL, restrictions relating to movement of people and vehicles between 12 midnight to 5 AM shall be relaxed on the night of 17th March, 2022 so as to enable the celebration of HOLI KA DAHAN.

Lockdown in West Bengal Extended upto 15.03.2022

In terms of the provisions under Disaster Management Act 2005 read with West Bengal Epidemic Disease, Covid-19 Regulations 2020, restriction and relaxation measures and advisory as already in force shall stand extended up to 15/03/2022.

Inclusion of Covid-19 Disease/ Illness in the OPD List under WBHS

Considering the gravity of the disease/illness named ‘Covid-19’ the West Bengal Health Scheme Authority (WBHSA) has agreed to include the same as 17th (seventeenth) disease/ illness in the OPD List of WBHS.

Reopening of Schools under School Education Deptt. w.e.f. 16.02.2022

Government of West Bengal has decided to re-open schools on campus for the students of all classes of primary and upper primary schools including SSK/MSKs with effect from 16.02.2022.

Additional Relaxations and Restrictions during Lockdown w.e.f. 16.02.2022

Opening of all ICDS centres. A separate Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) will be issued by Women & Child Development and Social Welfare Department in this regard.

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