Free treatment for COVID-19 patients shall be provided in Government Hospitals/ Government-requisitioned private hospital with an additional financial assistance of Rs 1.00 Lakh and a death benefit of Rs 10.00 Lakh.
Procurement may be undertaken under Rule 47(14) of West Bengal Financial Rules from more than one source simultaneously if the entire quantity required is not available or not immediately available from one source. Such procurement may be made at different rates, if unavoidable.
State Government is currently required to incur heavy unforeseen expenditure to combat the situation arisen due to such pandemic outbreak. The 21 days lockdown which is currently in force throughout India, has severely affected the economy of the Country and the State.
It is further clarified that following establishments/ services including those in the private sector providing essential services shall be excluded from the Complete Safety Restrictions:
During this period priority shall be processing of the urgent bills related to essential services like Health, Fire and emergency, Police, Civil Defence, Bills related to Salary, Wages, Pension, Social Assistance Schemes, Scholarships, payment of agencies providing Security/ Housekeeping/ Conservancy/ Man power supply, etc.
All shops, commercial establishments, offices and factories, workshops, godowns etc shall close their operations. People are required to stay at home and come out only for basic services while strictly following social distancing guidelines issued earlier.
(i) To ensure screening of every prisoners during each admission from outside; (ii) To immediate refer to outside Government Hospital in the cases showing any symptom of virus infection; (iii) To keep prisoners who were close proximity of the suspected prisoners with cough and fever, in isolation cell;
Considering the emergent situation developing due to spread of Novel Coronavirus, all Inter State Bus operations originating from this state shall remain suspended from 12 midnight on 21st March, 2020 till 31st March, 2020.
In case the person has history of coming in contact with a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19 in the last 14 days and the person is asymptomatic then the person must be kept in home quarantine for 14 days from the day of exposure.
Governor is pleased to provide coverage up to Rs 5 lakh for treatment related to COVID-19 and additional Rs 5 lakh as death benefit to all employees/ persons deployed in the containment and management of COVID 19.
It is ordered to shut all restaurants, pubs, bars, clubs, night clubs, Hookah Bars, massage parlours, amusement parks, museums, zoos with effect from 0600 hours of 22.03.2020.
In view of pandemic of COVD-19, all types of leave of all staff of Health and Family Welfare Department posted at all tiers (primary, secondary and tertiary health care institutions and offices including Headquarter) in West Bengal is hereby cancelled.