Employees of Public Undertakings may be allowed to draw an ex-gratia grant of Rs. 2,600/- per head provided their revised emoluments did not exceed Rs. 22,000/- per month.
Grant of ex-gratia payment to the Pensioners/ family pensioners of the teaching and non-teaching employees of Non-Govt. Aided/ Sponsored Educational Institutions etc. for the year 2012.
Pensioners whose basic pension plus relief did not exceed Rs. 22000/- only and are not eligible for ad-hoc bonus shall be paid an ex-gratia grant of Rs. 900/- only in lump per head.
Employees of Public Undertakings may be allowed to draw an ex-gratia grant of Rs. 2,500/- per head provided their revised emoluments did not exceed Rs. 22,000/- per month.
No application for grant from the Clubs running concurrently at the same premises or building or at the same station will be ordinarily considered. If there are more than one Clubs at the same premises/ buildings/ stations attempts should therefore be made coordinate themselves for the purpose of receiving grants.
In case of death of a Govt. employee an amount of Rs. 250 may be paid as financial relief in shape of funeral expenses to the family member of a Government employee.
Basic pension plus Relief did not exceed Rs. 20000/- only not eligible for bonus, they shall be paid an ex-gratia grant of Rs. 800/- only in lump per head.
Governor has been pleased to introduce a scheme viz. Scheme for Financial Assistance to the Workers in Locked out Industrial Units (FAWLOI) with effect from 01.04.1998.