Grant-in-Aid is financial assistance provided by a government or organization to support institutions, projects, or individuals for specific purposes, without requiring repayment.
Extension of ‘e-Services for Employees’ (eSE) facility to teaching and nonteaching employees of Universities, Grant-in-Aid Colleges and employees of other Grant-in-Aid Institutions, drawing their Pay Bill through HRMS submodule of WBIFMS, West Bengal.
Teachers including Librarians and Graduate Laboratory Instructors of the College of Medicine and JNM Hospital, Kalyani and Officers of the West Bengal University of Health Sciences, Salt Lake and the family members.
For permanent Teachers/ Officers and their dependent family members of Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya (BCKV) and Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya (UBKV) and College of Agriculture under both Universities.
Grants-in-Aid are payment in the nature of assistance, donations or contribution made by one Government to another Government, body, institution or individual.
Medical benefits to the serving Teachers including Librarians and Graduate Laboratory Instructors of Government-aided Colleges and serving Teachers and Officers of State aided Universities.
e-Pension system will be applicable for all pensioners or family pensioners of regular full time teaching and non-teaching employees of Grant-in-Aid Colleges of West Bengal w.e.f. April, 2018.
Governor is pleased to provide medical benefits to the Serving Teachers incl. Librarians and Graduate Laboratory Instructors of Govt-aided Colleges and State-aided Universities.
Sub module for payment of salary to the employees of Grant-in-aid Colleges has been developed and deployed in the live server of IFMS.
Guidelines for utilisation of grant-in-aid given by the State Government to the Boards registered under the West Bengal Societies Registration Act, 1961, for proper utilization of the public money.
Salary bills including those related to Educational institutions, PRI institutions, and Urban Local Bodies shall not be accepted at the Treasuries/ PAO’s on or after 1.4.2015, if they are not generated through COSA/ COSA-compliant software.