
e-Pension Scheme for Employees of Grant-in-Aid Colleges

Higher Education, , 👁️ 230

e-Pension system will be applicable for all pensioners or family pensioners of regular full time teaching and non-teaching employees of Grant-in-Aid Colleges of West Bengal w.e.f. April, 2018.

Government of West Bengal
Department of Higher Education,
Science and Technology & Biotechnology
Bikash Bhavan, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700091

No. 371-Edn(CS)/1U(IT)-10/15 Date: 26.03.2018


With a view to ensuring timely disbursement of pension to the teaching and non-teaching employees of Grant-in-Aid Colleges of West Bengal, the proposal for e-Pension was under active consideration of the State Government for sometime past. After careful consideration, the Governor is now hereby pleased to allow introduction of e-Pension scheme as an initiative of ICT based Governance Application to extend the service to all the regular full time teaching and non-teaching employees of Grant-in-Aid Colleges of West Bengal.

The scheme for payment of pension through e-Pension system will be applicable for all pensioners or family pensioners of regular full time teaching and non-teaching employees appointed in substantive posts of Grant-in-Aid Colleges of West Bengal with effect from 2nd April, 2018.

e-Pension‘ Portal/ Website with url: (https://epension.wbhed.gov.in) will be utilized by all the stake-holders to discharge the roles assigned under the scheme to each of them.

The procedure to be followed by the concerned stake-holders in the ‘e-Pension’ portal of the Department for teachers and non-teaching employees of Grant-in-Aid colleges in West Bengal are outlined in ‘Standard Operating Procedure‘ (SOP) as annexed hereto.

By order of the Governor,

O.S.D. and Ex-Officio Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 371-Edn dated 26.03.2018, Source