Helpline is a support service, usually provided via phone, email, or online chat, that offers assistance, advice, or information to individuals seeking help with specific issues such as health, legal matters, or customer service.
Helpline is a support service, usually provided via phone, email, or online chat, that offers assistance, advice, or information to individuals seeking help with specific issues such as health, legal matters, or customer service.
Students’ helpline Email Id: for the Examinees of H.S Examination, 2021 in which they can post their queries regarding their ensuing examination mentioning detailed information including Registration No. and Roll No.
The help desk No. of WBCHSE is 1800-1039-341 would be operative from 04.11.2015 from 10 A.M to 7 P.M on week days. This service will remain open from 9 A.M to 8 P.M all the days in the month of February, 2016.
Government of India established the Toll Free Help Line No. 1098 as a National Help Line to enable children to seek assistance in case of emergency or in distress.
Health & Family Welfare Department will operate 24×7 Health Helpline named SWASTHYA BANDHU on an outsourced basis. Patients, Patient Parties or the general public would receive two categories of services.
(a) Information regarding availability of essential service packages in State Government Run Health Facilities and (b) Assistance in availing the service packages rendered by the State Government Run Health Facilities.
Each Health Facility would have to identify Facility Manager(s) who would remain responsible for responding to each call from the Health Helpline on behalf of the Hospital Authority. S/he will also have to remain responsible for updating the static database related to availability of Hospital Services