

West Bengal Government Notification related to Government Holidays, Public Holidays, Holidays under Negotiable Instruments Act (N.I. Act) etc.

Holiday List for West Bengal Govt. Employees, 2017

Kalipuja: 19th October; Additional day in connection with Kalipuja: 20th October; Bhatridwitya: 21st October; Birthday of Guru Nanak: 4th November; Fateha-Dwaz-Daham: 2nd December;

General Holiday on account of Chhat Puja, 2016

Governor is pleased to declare 7th November, 2016 as a Holiday on account of CHHAT PUJA for all the Employees of State Government and Govt. Undertakings.

Holiday on account of Durgapuja (Panchami), 2016

Governor is pleased to declare 6th October, 2016, Thursday as a Holiday on account of Durgapuja (Panchami) under the N.I. Act, 1881.

Public Holiday on account of Id-Ud-Joha, 2016

Governor is pleased to declare 13th September, 2016, Tuesday as Public Holiday on account of Id-Ud-Joha under Section 25 of the Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881.

Sectional Holiday on account of Karam Puja, 2016

Governor is pleased to declare 13th September, 2016 as a Sectional Holiday on account of KARAM PUJA for the employees belonging to Tribal Communities employed in W.B.

Declaration of Local Holiday on WBJEE (Medical), 2016

Declaration of Local Holiday on 20th July, 2016, the date of holding West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination (Medical), 2016.

West Bengal Joint Entrance Exam (Medical), 2016

Governor has been pleased to direct that 20th July 2016 is hereby declared as local holidays and the regular academic and other activities in the schools shall remain closed.

Local Holiday – Joint Entrance Exam (Medical), 2016

Governor has been pleased to direct the West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board to conduct the West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations (Medical), 2016.

2 days Holiday on account of Id-Ul-Fitre, 2016

In view of the uncertainty associated with the date of celebration of the festival, the Governor is pleased to declare 7.7.2016 and 6.7.16 to be a public holiday.

Holiday on Birth Day of Late Dr. B.C. Roy, 2016

Governor has been pleased to declare that all offices under the Government of West Bengal with few exception will be closed at 2:00 P.M. on 01.07.2016.

Office shall be Closed for Jamai Sasthi, 2016

In view of celebration of Jamai Sasthi, all offices under the Govt. of West Bengal shall be closed at 2:00 p.m. on Friday the 10th June, 2016 except few.

Summer Vacation will continue upto 11th June, 2016

Summer Vacation which has already been started w.e.f 19th May 2016 will continue upto 11th June, 2016 and all schools will reopen on 13 June, 2016.

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