
Land Act

Land, being a dynamic entity, keep changing its ownership, boundaries and classification; unless these changes are promptly captured, the land records become obsolete.

Department of Land and Land Reforms

Land Reforms

Land is of critical significance to the vast majority of the poor who derive their livelihood from agriculture. Physical subsistence, procuring a decent, dignified livelihood and the well being of entire family depends on land.

West Bengal Land Reforms and Tenancy Tribunal Act, 1997

Land Reforms

An Act to provide for the setting up of a Land Reforms and Tenancy Tribunal in pursuance of article 323B of the Constitution of India and for the adjudication and trial by such Tribunal of disputes, claims, objections and applications relating to, or arising out of, land reforms or tenancy in land and other matters under a specified Act and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
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