Due to COVID-19 pandemic a number of non-pharmaceutical interventions know as lockdowns i.e. stay at home orders, curfews, quarantines, social distancing etc. have been implemented in numerous countries and territories around the world.
Intra-state (inter-district) movement of government and private buses w.e.f. 01/06/2020, with passengers not more than the actual seating capacity of the bus. No passenger shall be allowed to travel standing in the bus.
Wearing of mask is compulsory. Strict social distancing of 2 metres for all. All public places, streets, housing complexes, residential areas and work places to be cleaned and sanitized at regular intervals.
A financial assistance of one-time exgratia payment of Rs. 1,000/- will be provided under the scheme to such worker who is residents of West Bengal and who is stranded in other parts of the country due to lockdown because of Corona Virus (COVID-19).
State Government is currently required to incur heavy unforeseen expenditure to combat the situation arisen due to such pandemic outbreak. The 21 days lockdown which is currently in force throughout India, has severely affected the economy of the Country and the State.
During this period priority shall be processing of the urgent bills related to essential services like Health, Fire and emergency, Police, Civil Defence, Bills related to Salary, Wages, Pension, Social Assistance Schemes, Scholarships, payment of agencies providing Security/ Housekeeping/ Conservancy/ Man power supply, etc.