

Journalist accredited with the Department of I&CA alongwith dependent family members, may enroll in Maavoi – West Bengal Health Scheme for Journalists, 2016.

West Bengal Health Scheme for Journalists – Maavoi

An accredited Journalist shall apply to the Pr. Secy./ OSD & E.O. Spl. Secy., I&CA Department in Form A and submit to Kolkata Information Centre (for Kolkata) and to D.I.C.O. (in District).

Recognized Health Care Organizations under Maavoi

Recognised Hospitals/ Institutions, Laboratories/ Diagnostic Centres for the purpose of availing benefits of medical treatment under health scheme for the journalists, Maavoi.

Re-imbursement of Medical Costs under Maavoi

Sanctioning Authority for re-imbursement of cost of medical attendance and treatment in case of Journalist based in Kolkata will be Principal Secretary, I & CA Department.

West Bengal Health Scheme for the Journalists, 2016

Maavoi is the West Bengal Health Scheme for the Journalists who are accredited with the Department of I&CA, has taken effect from 01.03.2016.

Maavoi – WBHS for the Journalists, 2016

Maavoi – West Bengal Health Scheme for Journalists, 2016 will be implemented, managed and monitored by the Information & Cultural Affairs Department, West Bengal.