
Maavoi – WBHS for the Journalists, 2016

Information and Cultural Affairs, 👁️ 240

Maavoi – West Bengal Health Scheme for Journalists, 2016 will be implemented, managed and monitored by the Information & Cultural Affairs Department, West Bengal.

Government of West Bengal
Department of Information & Cultural Affairs
Nabanna, 9th Floor, Sarat Chatterjee Road
Howrah 711102

No. 509-ICA(N) dated, Howrah, the 25th February, 2016


WHEREAS, the Government of West Bengal has been considering a social security scheme regarding insurance of health of the journalists accredited by the Information & Cultural Affairs Department (hereinafter referred to as I &CA Department)

2. AND WHEREAS, the State Government has also been considering for extending personal accident for such journalist;

3. AND WHEREAS, the journalist beneficiary organizations dealing with the welfare of the journalist are not in a position to support such journalists with the huge cost of medical treatment pertaining to the surgical and other traumatic medical treatment;

4. NOW, THEREFORE, the Governor is please to launch a scheme, “Maavoi- West Bengal Health Scheme for Journalists, 2016” for medical benefit as well as personal accident coverage of the Journalists accredited with Information & Cultural Affairs Department with effect from 01/03/2016.

The Scheme

I. The Scheme may be called “Maavoi-West Bengal Health Scheme for Journalists, 2016

II. The Scheme may be effective from 1st March 2016.

III. The Scheme will cover the Journalists and their dependent family members.

IV. Dependent members of the family means and include-

a) Spouse

b) Parents, whose monthly income does not exceed Rs. 5000/-

c) Children including step-children, legally adopted children of age less than 21 and unmarried/widowed/divorced daughters of any age

d) Dependent unmarried/ widowed/ divorced sisters

e) Minor brothers and minor sisters

V. Terms & Conditions:

A. Dependency:

i. For availing medical facilities under the Maavoi- West Bengal Health scheme for Journalists, 2016, the Children, minor brothers, minor sisters, parents shall be deemed to be dependent on the beneficiary if they are normally residing with him/her and fulfils the condition of income.

ii. Son is considered to be dependent till he starts earning or attains the age of 25 years, whichever is earlier. Son suffering from permanent disabilities either physically or mentally will be considered dependent without any age limit.

iii. Unmarried daughter is eligible till she starts earning (irrespective of the age)

B. If the spouse is an employee of state or central govt./ Bank or employed in a corporation/ Undertaking financed wholly or partly by the Central or State Govt., local bodies, aided institutions and Private organizations, which provide medical services and benefits, the medical facility can be availed of at one place only.

C. The beneficiary enrolled under the Maavoi – West Bengal Health Scheme for Journalists, 2016 shall not be eligible to be enrolled again if he/she opts out of the Scheme for whatever reason.

VI. Health Scheme Benefits:

i. Medical attendance and treatment as an Indoor patient In a hospital

ii. Medical attendance and treatment as an OPD (Out – Patient Department) patient In a hospital

iii. Beneficiary will get reimbursement of the cost of all types of Indoor treatment as per approved rate In a recognised hospital.

VII. Hospitals/Health Care Organisations:

a. All hospitals (all systems of medicines), clinics, laboratories and diagnostic centres under the management of the Government of West Bengal, Government of India and other State Governments.

b. All hospitals, clinics, diagnostic centres managed by the Municipal Corporations/Municipalities and other Local Bodies within the State of West Bengal.

c. State aided hospitals,

d. Empanelled Private Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Institutions, Clinics, Laboratories, Diagnostics Centres within the State.

Such Private Hospitals, Nursing Homes, etc. may be classified Into Class -1, Class – 2 and Class -3 Service Provider on the basis of facilities available here.

Under this category the scale of Reimbursement is as below –

Class 1 Service Provider – Full rates Class 2 Service Provider – 80% of full rates Class 3 Service Provider – 70%of full rates

e. Specialty Hospitals outside the State

[N.B. – Permission of the Health Scheme Authority will be necessary before treatment In about 9 (nine) Specialty Hospitals outside the State]

VIII. Prior Permission will be required from the Heath Scheme Authority before –

i. Human Organ Transplantation

ii. Cochlear Implant Surgery

iii. Implantation of Dual Chamber Pacemaker

iv. Implantation of more than one Drug Eluting Stents.

v. Implantation of more than two Stents.

vi. Implantation of AICD/CRT with AICD

vii. Implantation of neuro Implant viz. Deep Brain Stimulator Implants, Intra-Thecal Pumps, Spinal Cord Stimulators

IX. Health Cards would be Issued by Information & Cultural Affairs Department after Registration of the Journalists on Application.

X. Details for services and rates, etc. will be prepared In due course.

XI. Eligibility:

i. All the Journalists accredited by the I & CA Department shall be eligible to benefit under the scheme up to a quota of 3000. Retired Journalists accredited with I & CA Department will also be eligible.

ii. Maximum age limit as a beneficiary Is up to attaining 65 years by the Journalist.

4. Implementation

i. For efficient management and implementation of “Maavoi – West Bengal Health Scheme for Journalists, 2016” will be implemented, managed and monitored by the Information & Cultural Affairs Department.

ii. A separate Authority will be constituted under the Information & Cultural Affairs Department.

This order issues with the concurrence of Finance Department vide their Gr. I U.O. No. 162 dated 09.02.2016.

Sd/- Atri Bhattacharya
Pr. Secy. to the Govt. of West Bengal

No. 509-ICA dated 25.02.2016

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