Madhyamik Pariksha is a 10th standard Examination. Compulsory subjects are First language, Second language, Physical Science, Life Science, Mathematics, History and Geography.
Madhyamik Pariksha (Secondary Examination), 2019 (both Regular and External) will be held from 12th February, 2019 (Timing: 11.45 a.m. to 3 p.m.) upto 27th February, 2019.
Each and every School must prepare the question papers for selection test/ 3rd summative Evaluation of Class X and the name of the Institution must be printed in the question papers.
West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education (Admission and Allied Matters) Regulations, 2006 published vide Notification No. 185-SE dated 11.10.2006 by WBCHSE.
Results of Madhyamik Pariksha (S.E.), 2017 both Regular & External will be announced by the Hon’ble President of the Board on 27th May, 2017 at 9 a.m. through a PRESS CONFERENCE.
Admit Cards of the candidates (Regular & External) appearing at the Madhyamik Pariksha (Secondary Examination), 2017 will be distributed on 10.02.2017 from 11 am to 5 pm.
Programme Schedule of Madhyamik Pariksha (Secondary Examination), 2017 (both Regular and External) will be started from 22nd February, 2017 (Timing: 11.45 a.m. to 3 p.m.)
Board has already published Test Papers 2016-17. These Test Papers will be distributed free of cost amongst all the examinees of Madhyamik Pariksha (Secondary Examination), 2017.
To render the requisite fees for C.C. and Comp. Candidates appearing at M.P. (S.E.), 2017 to the Camp Offices on & from 15th to 16th December, 2016.
Model Structure of Question Papers for M.P. (S.E.), 2017 is uploaded in accordance with new curriculum and syllabus of the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education.
Secondary Examination conducted by the Board of Secondary Education, Manipur is considered equivalent to the Madhyamik Examination conducted by WBBSE.