There will be a Secretary of the Managing Committee who shall be appointed by the Director of School Education, West Bengal from the members of the Committee.
To extend the tenure of Governing Bodies, of Government-aided Colleges in Bengal, whose tenure is likely to be expired within 30th June, 2023 or within next 06 (six) months beyond 30th June, 2023 till 31st December 2023.
It is hereby notified that the tenure of Managing Committee/ Ad-hoc Committee/ Organising Committee/ Administrator is extended upto 15/07/2023.
Tenure of several Governing Bodies of the Government-aided Colleges under the control of Higher Education Department in the State of West Bengal are going to expire on/after 31st December, 2022.
Headmaster or Teacher-in-Charge in every school will constitute a Student Safety and Security Monitoring Committee (SSMC) with following members and will convene its meeting bi-monthly;
Records of category A are of utmost importance for administrative purposes of the institution or which are of historical importance.
Where incumbent himself/herself happens to be the Headmaster/ Headmistress of a school and there is an absence of Managing Committee/ Administrator, the D.I. of Schools may release the incumbent subject to post facto approval of the Administrator/ Managing Committee, as and when appointed.
Postponement of Election for Constitution/ Reconstitution of the Managing Committee/ Ad-hoc committee/ Organizing Committee/ Administrator up to 23.07.2019 of Recognised Junior High, High and Senior Madrasah in view of ensuing Parliamentary Election 2019.
Age-appropriate discussion with students by the teachers should be encourage to make students aware of there safety needs, precaution to be taken and to make deference between good or bad touch/ conversation.
Powers and duties of Committee/ Administrator/ Head of Institution/ Assistant Headmaster/ Headmistress of a Recognized Non-Govt Aided/ Unaided Institution.
Powers and duties of Committee or Administrator of an institution. Powers and duties of Assistant Headmaster or Mistress or Head of an Institution.