Motor Vehicle Tax is a fee levied by the government on the ownership or use of a motor vehicle. It is typically based on factors such as the vehicle’s type, engine capacity, or weight, and is used to fund road maintenance, infrastructure, and other transportation-related expenses.
State Government in the Transport Department has decided to provide one time opportunity to the owners of such defaulting motor vehicles to pay the due amount of motor vehicle tax and/or additional tax/one-time tax without payment of penalty.
Motor vehicles of the Ram Krishna Mission incl. Sarada Pith, Belur Math and Mission, Sri Sarada Math and Ramakrishna Sarada Mission used for spreading social education.
Online application with e-payment of fees and taxes for registration of motor vehicles by the dealers – Applicable for Non-transport vehicles like cars and two wheelers only.
Transport Department has made substantial progress in the rolling out of e-Vahan along with integration of the same with e-payment of Motor Vehicle Taxes, etc. on the GRIPS platform.
Motor vehicles (non-transport) registered in West Bengal belonging to the National Investigation Agency (NIA), an Agency constituted under Section 3 of the National Investigation Act, 2008.
Motor vehicles which are more than fifty years old and are only driven for taking part in a vintage car rally, are exempted from payment of motor vehicle tax /additional tax.
Governor is hereby pleased to empower the following officers of Public Vehicles Department, Kolkata to act as Taxing Officers, for the region of Kolkata as described in terms of Rule 2(b) of the West Bengal Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989, in addition to the existing ones.