Patient Care Service
IPD and OPD treatment as well as diagnosis, are referred to as patient care services in hospitals.
IPD and OPD treatment as well as diagnosis, are referred to as patient care services in hospitals.
State government is committed to provide different services (procedure and diagnostic) to all patients attending at District Hospitals of the State of West Bengal.
An Act to prohibit violence against medicare service persons and damage to property in medicare service institutions and for matters connected therewith and incidental thereto.
An Act to establish the West Bengal Rural Health Regulatory Authority for regulating and registering the diploma holders in rural health care.
Conducting Cataract Surgeries free of cost for the patients is a mandate of the NPCB, whether it is conducted in Govt. hospital or in the hospitals of partner NGOs.
Action may be taken against hospital/ clinic for refusal to treat victims of acid attacks in contravention of the provisions of Section 357C of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973.
Staff Nurses deployed in OPDs (except Gynecological and Obstetrics) should be withdrawn immediately and be utilized for the in-patient services as per requirement of the Institution.
Deworming of all pregnant women would be carried out in our State as per National Guidelines for Deworming in Pregnancy module.
Projects for establishing Emergency Observation Ward (EOW) has been decided in all Govt Hospitals in three Phases. a. Protocol implementation phase, b. Financial implication phase, c. Human resource recruitment phase.
Doctors are to prescribe combination drugs with two molecules in generic names in the OPD, IPD and also in emergency department in the interest of better patient care services.
Under the National Iron + Initiative, iron and folic acid supplementation is being given across life stages including pregnant, lactating women and adolescent girls at health facilities and during outreach activities.
Paying beds and cabins have now been converted into free beds. Superintendent of hospitals should allot these free beds for maternity, paediatrics and other IPD services to ease out congestion.
User charges imposed in all the secondary and primary hospitals of the State is withdrawn to allow free diagnostics, pathology, therapeutic & surgeries and beds.