Treasuries/ PAO’s/ Banks will not accept Non-CTS-2010 Cheques
The CTS-2010 standard cheque forms issued from the Treasury/PAO have the standard printed in the left-side margin of the cheque form with some security features, such as quality of paper, void pantograph, watermark, etc.
Discontinuation of LOC System – Procedure for Bulk Purchase
Resource division will procure the materials within the delegated power of the Executive Engineer in charge of the Resource Division concerned. Otherwise sanction from the competent authority shall be necessary.
Discontinuation of LOC System – Further Guidelines
The requisitioning non-works department will provide fund through e-bantan to the authority in the works department, i.e., Chief Engineer, along with administrative approval;
Passing of Bills in Anticipation of Allotment upto May, 2015
Government has decided to allow acceptance of bills by Treasuries/ PAOs in anticipation of allotment of fund for the first two months of the Financial Year, 2015-16, i.e., upto 31.05.2015.
Discontinuation of LOC System – Procedure of Drawal of Fund
A detailed procedure of drawal of fund from the Treasury/ PAO for expenditure related to Works and Forest and its accounting in the respective divisional office and Treasury/ PAO.
Discontinuation of present Letter of Credit (LOC) System
Discontinue the present LOC System for execution of Works and Forest Expenditure and bring the working of the Works and Forest Divisions under the ambit of the Treasury System through allotment of funds w.e.f. 01.04.2015.
Guidelines for Submission of Bills to Treasury for 2014-2015
Bills against sanction/ Allotment Orders issued up to 27th February, 2015 must be submitted to Treasury by 16th March, 2015. No new Bill shall be received by the Treasury after 6 p.m. on 31.03.2015.
Guidelines for Submission of Bills to Kolkata PAO, 2014-2015
Salary Bills for March 2015 should be presented by 13.03.2015. Bills for other personal claims must be submitted on or before 13.03.2015. Bills returned upto 06.02.2015 shall be resubmitted on or before 13.02.2015.
Transfer and Posting Policy of AGWB Staffs
Board is constituted comprising of i) Sr. Accounts Officer/ Accounts Officer (Administration), ii) Secretary to the Accountant General and iii) Internal Audit Officer.
Payment of Salary for the Month of September, 2014
Salary in respect of all State Govt. Employees may be paid on 26.09.2014. Wages, Honorarium, Stipend and Remuneration of any kind payable monthly may be paid on 26.09.2014 in Kolkata and districts.
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