Pay & Accounts
There are 2 Principal Accountant’s General offices and 1 Accountant’s General Office located in Kolkata each having separate work jurisdiction and responsibilities as regards state Accounts and Audit.
There are 2 Principal Accountant’s General offices and 1 Accountant’s General Office located in Kolkata each having separate work jurisdiction and responsibilities as regards state Accounts and Audit.
Salary in respect of all State Govt. Employees may be paid on 26.09.2014. Wages, Honorarium, Stipend and Remuneration of any kind payable monthly may be paid on 26.09.2014 in Kolkata and districts.
State Government has decided to allow drawal of fund from the Treasuries/ Pay & Accounts Offices in anticipation of allotment of fund for the following items of expenditure for the period upto 31st December, 2014
All the DDO’s/ Cheque drawing officers of Works and Forest Dptts./ Treasury officers and departmental authorities are requested file returns within 31.3.2014 and thus be relieved of the fines and penalties already imposed by the IT authority.
Bills returned after 04.02.2014 up to 17.03.2014 shall be resubmitted within 7 days from the date of return and the bills returned between 18th & 24th March, 2014 shall be resubmitted within 27th March, 2014.
All the Departments are requested to make available to all offices under its control necessary allotment of fund within the last working day of the financial year 2013-2014 to square off the shortfall under various detailed heads for which bills were passed by the Treasuries/ Pay and Accounts Offices in anticipation of allotment of fund.
Salary/ Remuneration/ Wages; Honorarium and Additional Honorarium for ICDS staff and expenditure for running ICDS centres; Stipends in respect of Internees, House-staff, P.G. Students and Trainee Nurses of Medical Colleges and hospitals;
Bills towards medical reimbursement drawn under the detailed head 07-Medical Reimbursement may also be passed in anticipation of allotment of fund for the period upto the end of the financial year 2012-2013.
Bills returned after 04.02.2013 but within 14.03.2013 shall be resubmitted within 7 days from the dale of return and the bills returned between 15th & 22nd March shall be resubmitted within 25.03.2013.
Stipends in respect of Internees, House-staff, P.G. Students and Trainee Nurses of Medical Colleges and hospitals of different nature under Health & Family Welfare Department.
All cheques issued by the State Government shall be valid for three months from the Date of issue. Thus a cheque bearing date 01.04.2013 is payable at any time up to 30.06.2013.
All Departments should immediately issue orders of allotment to their subordinate offices. It may be noted that no bill will be passed by the Treasury without an allotment order.
Consolidated instructions regarding release of fund from Kolkata Pay & Accounts Offices and Treasuries in the financial year 2012-13.