
Provident Fund

1) GPF (General Provident Fund), 2) CPF (Contributory Provident Fund), 3) EPF (Employees Provident Fund).

Conversion of Option from CPF to GPF for Staff of Madrasah

Conversion of Option from CPF to GPF in terms of solemn order and judgment dated 16.07.2013 passed by the Hon’ble Special Bench, High Court at Calcutta for the teaching and non-teaching staff of non-Govt. aided recognized Madrasahs.

Amendment of Form 10A & 10B for Final Payment of GPF Balance

The prescribed Application Forms (10A & 10B) for final payment of GPF balance in respect of Group-A, B & C Officers of the State Government is amended for quick disposal of final payment.

Refund of Govt. Share of Contributory Provident Fund

All Heads of the Secondary /H.S./JR.High/Madrasah are informed to submit the option of teaching and Non-teaching staff who are interested to switch over option for taking G.P.F instead of C.P.F.

GPF and GISS Subscription – Change in Superannuation Age

Fast three instalments of G.P.F. subscriptions will be recovered as arrears subscription from the forth coming salary bills. Already issued orders for final payment of G.P.F. & G.I.S.S. but not yet paid shall stand cancelled.

Guidelines to Opt Pension-Cum-Gratuity Scheme in School

The teaching and non-teaching staff shall exercise their options in the prescribed form to switch over to Pension-cum-Gratuity Scheme and submit the same to the concerned Head of the Institution within 90 days from date of publication of notice.

Option to Pension-cum-Gratuity Scheme in School

Three months time period shall be given to switch over to Pension-cum-Gratuity Scheme under the West Bengal Recognized Non-Government Educational Institutions (Death-cum-Retirement Benefit) Scheme, 1981.

Rate of Interest on GPF during the year 2014-15

General Provident Fund and other similar funds under the administrative control of the Government of West Bengal shall carry interest at the rate of 8.7% per annum w.e.f. 01.04.2014.

Samajik Mukti (Social Freedom)

State Assisted Scheme of Provident Fund for Unorganized Workers (SASPFUW), Buildings and Other Construction Workers’ Welfare (BOCWA) and West Bengal Motor Transport Workers’ Welfare (WBTWSS) Schemes

Computerisation of GPF Statement in Schools

Schools authorities are to submit the G.P.F. Ledger of school along with all the staff of the school upto the end of the financial year 2013 to their respective sub-divisional office within 15th December, 2013 due to computerisation of G.P.F. statement of each individual staff of the school.

Final Payment of GPF on Retirement – Forwarding to AG Office

D.D.O’s and Heads of offices are requested to forward all the final payment cases of the retiring employees to the A.G. Office immediately after compulsory stoppage of G.P.F. subscriptions.

Issue of GPF Account Slips to Group D Employees

This is a statutory responsibility of the DDOs to issue of GPF account slips to Group-D employees immediately after the end of financial year.

Refund of Money deposited to GPF or Suspense Head of Account

The Head of office shall submit an application to the O/o. the Accountant General (A&E) West Bengal requesting them to confirm the amount credited in the account of the concerned Officer under the head ‘8658’.

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