

PTTI stands for Primary Teachers’ Training Institute, which is an educational institution that offers training and certification for individuals aspiring to become primary school teachers, focusing on pedagogical skills and child development.

Submission of Internal Marks of D.El.Ed Part-II Students, 2020-2022

All the Heads of the DIET/ GOVT./ GOVT. AIDED/ GOVT. SPONSORED and SELF FINANCED NON-GOVERNMENT PRIVATE PTTIs/ D El Ed Institutes that they shall submit latest by 15th of November, 2022 the Internal Marks of the D.El.Ed Part-II students for the Session 2020-2022.

Affiliation Renewal of Primary Teachers Training Institutes

All the Government-Run & Self Financed Elementary/ Primary Teacher Institutes of which three years term of affiliation is over, are requested to submit renewal fees of Rs. 25,000/-

How to prepare Merit List for Admission in Self-Financed PTTI

In case of Vocational Category, rank immediate next to the last cut-off, and so on in descending order of the Merit List of Vocational Category will be selected from the Vocational Category Waiting List only.

How to prepare Merit List for Admission in DIET/ Govt. PTTI

If any seat under General Category falls/remains vacant after the last date of admission, the candidate with rank immediate next to the last cut-off rank and so on will be selected for admission from the General Waiting List.

Result of 1 Year Bridge Course Examination, 2014 for Ex-PTTI

Result of 1 Year Bridge Course Examination, 2014 for Ex-P.T.T.I (un-employed) candidates has been published on 07.04.2015. Mark-sheets and Certificates will be distributed from 18.05.2015.

Orientation Workshop for Self-financed Private PTTIs

The Principals of all the self-financed, unaided and private PTTIs are requested to attend a Two Day Orientation Workshop on the Transactional Modalities of the Revised Two Year D.El.Ed Curriculum and Syllabi.

Class of 2nd year D.El.Ed Course – Notice to all DIET/ PTTI

All DIETs/ PTTIs are requested to start the class of 2nd year D.El.Ed Course immediately on completion of the theoretical examination of part – I conducted by the WBBSE.

Recruitment Rules of Principal and Lecturer in PTTI

Method of and qualifications required for recruitment to the posts of Principal and Lecturer in PTTI under the School Education Department, Government of West Bengal.

Application for Registration at DIET/ PTTI

Collect the Application Forms for Registration upon deposit of Bank Demand Draft (Payable at Kolkata) of Rs. 500/- (Rupees five hundred) only per student.

Recruitment Rules for Various Posts in PTTI

The method of and qualifications required for recruitment to the posts of Principal, Lecturer, Music Teacher and Art and Craft Teacher in the PTTI under School Education Deptt.