

Recruitment rules for various type of Government services (Group A, B, C and D) in West Bengal Government.

Relaxation of Typing Test for Disabled during Recruitment of LDA/ LDC

Locomotor disability including cerebral Palsy, Leprosy cured, dwarfism, acid attack victims, muscular dystrophy, Autism, intellectual disability, specific learning disability, mental illness & multiple disabilities

Recruitment Rules of Principals in State-aided General Degree Colleges in West Bengal

Recruitment Rules for Direct Recruitment of Principals in the State-aided General Degree Colleges in West Bengal.

Recruitment Rules for Joint Registrar and Registrar under Consumer Affairs

Rules regulating the recruitment to the Group A posts of Joint Registrar, West Bengal State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission and Registrar, District Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission.

Recruitment Rules of Assistant Director and Deputy Assistant Director, Consumer Affairs and Fair Business Practices

Rules regulating the recruitment to the Group ‘A’ post of Assistant Director of Consumer Affairs and Fair Business Practices and Deputy Assistant Director of Consumer Affairs and Fair Business Practices, Government of West Bengal.

Recruitment Rules to the Group B post of Consumer Welfare Officer

The Method of and the qualifications required for recruitment to the Posts of Consumer Welfare Officer in the Directorate of Consumer Affairs & Fair Business Practices, Govt. of West Bengal.

West Bengal Services (Recruitment of Forest Guard and Head Forest Guard) Rules, 2015

Rules regulating recruitment to the post of Forest Guard and Head Forest Guard under the Forest Department, Government of West Bengal.

Recruitment Rules of Assistant Professor in Degree College

Governor is pleased to direct the following eligibility criteria, qualifications and norms for direct recruitment to the posts of Assistant Professor and Associate Professor in the State-aided Degree College in West Bengal.

Online Maintenance of Registers of Appointments

Every appointing authority may maintain Registers of Appointments (RoA) online in the modified format in the web portal www.wbreservation.gov.in developed by the Backward Classes Welfare Department.

Recruitment Rules for Tahasildars (Irrigation) under Irrigation and Waterways

Rules regulating the recruitment to the posts of Tahasildars (Irrigation) in the Circle of the Irrigation and Waterways Directorate, Government of West Bengal.

Recruitment Rules for Assistant Canal Revenue Officer (Irrigation) under IWD

Rules regulating the recruitment to the posts of Assistant Canal Revenue Officer (Irrigation) under the Department of Irrigation & Waterways, Government of West Bengal.

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