

Recruitment rules for various type of Government services (Group A, B, C and D) in West Bengal Government.

Amendment in Recruitment of Clerical Cadre Rule

Those who are first made liable to pass the examination on elementary knowledge on computer operation and computer typing at the age of 50 or above, shall be exempted from passing of such examination.

Permission to Appear in Interview by WBHRB

All Medical Officers are informed that they have to obtain proper permission from the appointing authority before applying or appearing in interview conducted by WBHRB.

West Bengal Primary School Teachers Recruitment Rules, 2016

The candidate shall possess the minimum educational qualifications specified by the NCTE and the notification relating to eligibility of candidates issued by the MHRD, Department of School Education and Literacy, Government of India and passed the TET.

West Bengal Sub-ordinate Information and Cultural Services (Recruitment) Rules, 2016

Governor is pleased to make West Bengal Sub-ordinate Information and Cultural Services (Recruitment) Rules, 2016 regulating the recruitment to the posts under Sub-ordinate Information and Cultural Service.

West Bengal Information and Cultural Services (Recruitment) Rules, 2016

Governor is pleased to make West Bengal Information and Cultural Services (Recruitment) Rules, 2016 regulating the recruitment to the West Bengal Information and Cultural Service.

Recruitment Procedures for the Recognized Madrasahs, 2016

These procedures may be called Recruitment Procedures for the Non-Government Recognized Aided Madrasahs (Primary, Junior High, High, Higher Secondary and Senior), 2016.

Recruitment Rules of English Stenographer [Basic Grade]

Appointments to the posts of English Stenographer [Basic Grade] shall be made through an open competitive examination to be held by the West Bengal Staff Selection Commission.

Compulsory Requirement of Knowledge in Bengali for Recruitment

Amendment of West Bengal Services (Compulsory Requirement of Knowledge in Bengali for Recruitment to any post or Service) Rules, 2002.

Recruitment Rules for Work Assistant (Electrical) under PWD

The posts of Work Assistant (Electrical) under P.W.D. shall be filled up by direct recruitment through a competitive examination held by West Bengal Staff Selection Commission.

Recruitment Rules for Engineers under PWD (Mechanical)

Recruitment Rules for Mechanical Engineers (Additional Chief Engineer, Superintending Engineer, Executive Engineer, Assistant Engineer) under Public Works Department, West Bengal.

Recruitment Rules for Engineers under PWD (Electrical)

Recruitment Rules for Electrical Engineers (Chief Engineer, Additional Chief Engineer, Superintending Engineer, Executive Engineer, Assistant Engineer) under Public Works Dte.

Recruitment Rules for Engineers under Public Works (Civil)

Rules for regulation of recruitment to the Engineering Services (Engineer-in-Chief, Chief Engineer, Superintending Engineer, Executive Engineer, Assistant Engineer) under P.W.Dte.

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