Recruitment examination of Sub Inspector of Food will be held on 27.07.2014 from 1.00 p.m. to 2.30 p.m. conducted by West Bengal Staff Selection Commission. All the Venue In charge already requested to conduct the examination smoothly on that day.
Method of and qualifications required for, recruitment to the post of Deputy Secretary, Cashier cum Store Keeper, Block Informatics Officer, UDA, Accounts Clerk, Clerk cum Typist, DEO, Peon.
Method of, and qualifications required for, recruitment to the post of Executive Assistant, Nirman Sahayak, Secretary, Sahayak, Gram Panchayat Karmee etc.
Method of recruitment is (i) by direct recruitment on the basis of the results of the Examination conducted by the Staff Selection Commission, West Bengal, and (ii) by promotion of Social Workers Grade I under the Backward Classes Welfare Department.
Date of Written Examination: 27th July, 2014 (from 12 Noon to 1.30 PM). Revised Tentative Schedule of Activities i.c.w. S.I. Food Recruitment, 2014.
Recruitment to the post of Medical Officers (both General duty & Specialists) in the Cadre of the West Bengal Health Service ( Basic Grade) and Block Medical Officer of Healths (Basic public health-cum-administrative Officer) in West Bengal Public Health Cum Administrative Services.
The West Bengal Health Recruitment Board (WBHRB) is responsible for selecting and recommending candidates for direct recruitment to posts permanent or temporary for which the appointing authority is the Government in the Department of Health & Family Welfare and authority subordinate to the Governor.
Guidelines for recruitment of Assistant Headmaster/ Assistant Headmistress of Recognised Aided Non-Govt. Secondary Schools/ Higher Secondary Schools, Govt. Sponsored School and all types of Recognised & Aided Madrasahs.
These rules may be called West Bengal Panchayat (Recruitment and Conditions of Appointment of Employees of Zilla Parishad) Rules, 1997.
Amendment of Land Reforms and Tenancy Tribunal (Recruitment) Rules, 2004, published with Land and Land Reforms Department notification No. 6105-Estt., dated 10.11.2004.
The method of recruitment, the qualifications and age for direct recruitment to the posts of Registrar, Deputy Registrar, Court Officer, Personal Assistant to Chairman/Member, Librarian, Stenographer, Cashier, Assistant Librarian, Record Supplier, Duftry, Night Guard, Orderly/Peon/Sweeper.
Governor is pleased to include System Administrator (SA) in the list given for direct engagement by Departments/ Directorates/ Offices of the State Government in e-Governance Projects on temporary basis.