
Engagement of 129 fresh Data Entry Operators in Treasuries

Finance, 👁️ 294

Engagement of 129 nos. of fresh Data Entry Operators in the treasuries within the state purely on contractual and temporary basis against the vacancies in the Group ‘C’ posts.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch

No. 2500-F(Y) Dated, 20th March, 2015


IFMS, a major e-governance project has already been piloted in all Treasuries. All 88 Treasuries have been migrated to web-based application (Centralised Treasury System). E-Pradan module of IFMS have also been rolled out since middle of February, 2015 and e-Billing is also expected to be introduced from May, 2015. In addition to this, replacement of the existing LOC system with the system of drawal of fund by submission of bill in the treasuries for works expenditure will be introduced w.e.f 1st April 2015.

2. The new IFMS system has been installed with a view to expedit e processing and disposal of bills. The treasuries are suffering from shortage of staff. Besides, success of the IFMS depends much on the computer operation skill of the treasury staff especially those who will man the Treasury front office.

Keeping in view all these aspects Government had been considering for sometime past engagement of fresh data entry operators in the treasuries to cope up with the problem arising out of shortage of competent staff to process bills in the Computerised Treasury System (CTS).

3. Therefore, the Governor is pleased to accord approval to engagement of 129 nos. of fresh Data Entry Operators in the treasuries within the state purely on contractual and temporary basis against the vacancies in the Group ‘C’ posts. Treasury – wise sanctioned Data Entry Operators is given in the Annexure.

4. Guidelines for engagement:

The following guidelines should be strictly adhered to while engagement on contractual basis –

a. Engagement shall be purely on contractual/ temporary basis for a period of one (1) year.

This can be renewed on satisfactory performance by the Finance Department on recommendation of the District Magistrate. The proposal for renewal should reach the Director of Treasuries & Accounts at least 30 days before expiry of the annual contract.

b. Qualification:

Applicant has to possess a degree in Graduation with at least ‘O’ Level Certificate in Computer Application

c. Consolidated pay:

i. The Data Entry operators will be entitled to a consolidated remuneration of Rs. 11,000/-per month.

ii. Annual incremental benefit will be @ Rs. 500/- to each operator for the first five years and then @ Rs. 600/- thereafter. This is subject to Continuous satisfactory service;

d. Mode of Recruitment:

a) ‘Open Advertisement’ inviting applications in the prescribed format from the intending applicants is to be published by giving 15 days’ notice/ time at least in two newspapers, one in English and the other in Bengali [Nepali in Hill area] having wide circulation.

b) ‘A District level Selection Committee’ is constituted comprising the following Officials:

i) The District Magistrate as Chairman

ii) The Additional District Magistrate (preferably in charge of treasuries) nominated by the District Magistrate

iii) A senior officer from the Collectorate, preferably Senior Deputy Collector or any other officer nominated by the District Magistrate as ‘Member-Secretary’.

iv) A senior Treasury Officer from the district nominated by the District Magistrate as ‘Member’.

v) DIO, NIC as member

e. Other terms and conditions –

i. Since the DEO’s are to be engaged against vacant posts of Group-C categories of staff, their service will be discontinued as soon as those posts are filled up following usual procedure;

ii. The data entry operators proposed to be sanctioned treasury wise will be engaged by the District Magistrate of the concerned district;

iii. The persons, so deployed as DEO shall exclusively render service to the treasuries and shall not be transferred/ posted to any other office/ section.

iv. Termination: The engagement of DEOs will terminate under following situations –

i. Expiry of Contract Period, if not renewed

ii. Giving 30 days notice by either side within the validity period of contract

iii. Forthwith under Insubordination & improper behaviour inefficiency, negligence, etc.

5. The charge will be debited out of the Budget Provision under the head, “2054-Treasuries and Accounts Administration-00-097-Treasury and Establishnient-Non-Plan-001-Other treasuries-02-wages”.

6. The role and function of Data Entry Operators so engaged will be restricted to following Activities:

i. Bill Receiving

ii. Scroll Entry

iii. Cheque Delivery

iv. Return Memo Generation

v. Compilation Work.

vi. P.P.O. Entry.

vii. Advice Entry of LF/ PL

viii. Sanction Order Entry

ix. Other data entry related work.

Sd/- H.K. Dwivedi
Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 2500-F dated 20.03.2015, Source