RIDF (Rural Infrastructure Development Fund) is a government initiative in India, established to provide financial support for infrastructure projects in rural areas.
Governor is pleased to withdraw the Ceiling of Administrative Approval and Phasing for all RIDF/ WIF Heads of Account in AAFS module without limit restrictions.
Governor has now been pleased to decide to release further fund of Rs. 714.50 Crore relating to State Development Scheme under relevant heads of account earmarked for RIDF Projects.
System of sending the proposals sanctioned by NABARD to Finance Department for AAFS and also release of fund is discontinued.
In all cases the RIDF projects identified for sanction of NABARD are sent to Finance Department for technical examination by its RIDF wing. Considerable time is spent in this process leading to delay in the submission and sanction of projects by NABARD.
The Additional Chief Secretary/ Principal Secretary/ Secretary of the administrative department can approve release of RIDF fund after processing of the same by the departmental Financial Advisor (FA).