Withdrawal of Ceiling on AA Limit for all RIDF/ WIF Works

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Budget Branch

No. 2046-FB Date: 24/01/2024

Sub: Withdrawal of Ceiling on AA Limit and Ceiling on Phasing Limit in AAFS Module of IFMS for RIDF/ WIF Works

Government of West Bengal has been implementing projects for some priority sectors under NABARD assisted Rural Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF)/ Warehousing Infrastructure Fund (WIF) for some time past. As per the prevailing norms, all the projects under RIDF/ WIF are needed to be entered in AAFS module of IFMS along with estimated Project Cost and Phasing of the same over the proposed year(s) of implementation.

In terms of FD Memo No. 2652-F(Y) dated 14.09.2020, Finance Department had earlier allowed the Administrative Departments to accord AAFS of the RIDF/ WIF projects which were already given in principle approval by Finance Department and sanction by NABARD, provided the overall expenditure is within the budgetary allocation of the Department.

It has however been noticed that various departments are approaching Finance Department for enhancement of AA limit and/or phasing limit beyond budgetary provisions to implement important projects which are to be accorded in AAFS in the current year. A considerable period of time is being lost in this process and ultimately results in causing delays in execution of such projects.

Now, for speedy and smooth implementation of the projects taken up under RIDF/ WIF, the Governor is pleased to withdraw the Ceiling of Administrative Approval and Phasing for all RIDF/ WIF Heads of Account in AAFS module without limit restrictions.

This is issued in the interest of public service with immediate effect.

Sd/- Dr. Sudip Kumar Sinha, IAS
Finance Department

No. 2046-FB dated 24.01.2024, Source

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