Designated/ Appellate/ Reviewing Officer in Co-Operation
Service: Registration of cooperative Society (Primary other than coop. Credit structure entity); Stipulated time limit: 60 days from the date of application with all required papers/ documents
Stipulated Time Limit of various Services by Transport Dte.
Stipulated time limit for rendering the services of Transport Department, the Designated Officers responsible for providing the services, the Appellate Officers and the Reviewing Officers.
Stipulated Time Limit of various Services for Ration Card
Stipulated time limit for rendering the services, the Designated officers responsible for providing the services, the Appellate Officer and the Reviewing Officer in connection with Ration Card.
Stipulated Time Limit for Issuance of Caste Certificates
Stipulated time limit of providing the service of Issuance of Caste Certificates to SC/ST/OBC is 4 (four) weeks from the date of submission of application.
Designated/ Appellate/ Reviewing Officer in Higher Education, 2013
Governor is pleased to notify the services along with stipulated time limit for rendering the services, the Designated Officers responsible for providing the services, the Appellate Officer and the Reviewing Officer.
West Bengal Right to Public Services Rules, 2013
Department concerned or the authority or body or institution of self government or any other Public Authority, shall maintain the current status of the applications on its website and shall update it on a daily basis.
West Bengal Right to Public Services Act, 2013
An Act to provide for the delivery of public services to the people of the State within the stipulated time limit and for matters connected therewith and incidental thereto.
West Bengal Right to Public Services Bill, 2013
The West Bengal Right to Public Services Bill 2013 was unanimously passed in the state Assembly to improve public service delivery mechanism and to reduce corruption.
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