
Service Rule

Service Rules are regulations governing the employment conditions of government or organizational employees. They define duties, rights, promotions, leaves, conduct, disciplinary actions, retirement policies, and other workplace norms to ensure efficient administration and accountability.

West Bengal Civil Service (Judicial) and the West Bengal Higher Judicial Service (Revision of Pay and Allowance) Act, 2003

An Act to regulate the pay and allowance by way of revision of scale of pay of the members of the West Bengal Civil Service (Judicial) and the West Bengal Higher Judicial Service and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.

West Bengal Fire Services (Fire Licence) Rules, 2004

The owner or the occupier of any premises intending to apply for a fire licence may make an application to a concerned licensed agency for obtaining a requisition for fire safety based on the plan of warehouse or workshop and layout designs of various fire protection systems as designed in the plan.

West Bengal Municipal (Employees’ Service) Rules, 2010

These rules shall apply to all the whole time permanent employees under the employment of the Municipalities and the Notified Area Authorities.

West Bengal Fire Services (Fire Prevention and Fire Safety) Rules, 2003

Every licensed agency shall submit to the Director-General an undertaking in the form of affidavit sworn before a Notary or a Judicial /Executive Magistrate in the format specified in Form D, binding himself to abide by the code of conduct laid down in rule 13 of these rules, within 30 days.

Clarifications of West Bengal Services ROPA Rules, 2019

Consequent upon promulgation of the West Bengal Services (Revision of Pay and Allowance) Rules, 2019 certain points have been raised from different corners regarding various aspects of fixation of pay.

West Bengal Services (Revision of Pay and Allowance) Rules, 2019

West Bengal Services (Revision of Pay and Allowance) Rules, 2019 published vide Finance Department Memo No. 5562-F dated 25.09.2019, No. 5563-F dated 25.09.2019, No. 5564-F dated 25.09.2019.

West Bengal State Ayurvedic Health Service Act, 2002

An Act to provide for the regulation of the recruitment, and conditions of service of persons appointed, to the State Ayurvedic Health Service.

West Bengal State Homoeopathic Health Service Act, 2002

An Act to provide far the regulation of the recruitment, and conditions of service of persons appointed, to the State Homoeopathic Health Service.

Fixation of Post Graduate Trainee Reserve Strength of Doctors

Henceforth, strength of Trainee Reserve will be fixed as 10% of existing strength (not sanctioned strength) as on 31st December of previous year.

WBBSE (Appointment, Confirmation, Conduct and Discipline of Teachers and Non-Teaching staff) Rules, 2018

These rules may be called the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education (Appointment, Confirmation, Conduct and Discipline of Teachers and Non-Teaching staff) Rules, 2018.

WBBSE (Requirement of Verification of Antecedents and Examination of Medical Fitness for Appointment in the Posts of Teachers and Non-teaching Staff) Rules, 2018

These rules may be called the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education (Requirement of Verification of Antecedents and Examination of Medical Fitness for Appointment in the Posts of Teachers and Non-teaching Staff) Rules, 2018.

Constitution of West Bengal Revenue Service

Constitution of new integrated service titled West Bengal Revenue Service to improve the efficiency of tax collection and to provide better services to the tax-payers.

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