

Text Books published by West Bengal Board of Primary Education, West Bengal Board of Secondary Education or West Bengal Board of Madrasah Education.

Rate of New Text Books published by WBBSE and WBBPE for 2014

Price of books published by the WBBSE and WBBPE for the academic session, 2013 has been revised/ fixed; hence requested to sell the new text books from sales-counter and through authorized distributors as per revised rate.

Distribution of Free Text Books to Students for 2014

Free Text Books for the students (pre-primary – VIII) of all the Govt. and Govt. Aided schools are being distributed for the academic year 2014 by the District Inspector of Schools.

Illegal Selection of Books in the School Book List

Few dishonest person/publisher is approaching to the School Authority for illegal selection of their books in the school book list in the name of some staff of this office.

Books published by WBBPE and WBBSE for Academic Session, 2014

Text Books in different subjects for the Class V have been published by the West Bengal Board of Primary Education and for the Classes VI, VII & VIII, the WBBSE has published Text Books for the academic session, 2014.

Page Limit and Date Schedule regarding Class XI Books

Corrigendum related to Page Limit and Date Schedule regarding Submission and Renewal of Class XI books. The maximum limit for Class XI books as mentioned in vide notification DS(ACA)/PUB/86/92/2013 dt. 26.07.2013 stands cancelled.

Revised Book Size & Page Limit Specifications (Class XI,XII)

Revised Book Size and Page Limit Specifications for Class XI & XII books and Instructions regarding Renewal of Class XI books with TB NO.

Subject-wise Page Limit for Class XI and XII Books

Subject-wise maximum page limits for Class XII books (2013-2015) and Class XI books (2014-2016) are as follows: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biological Science – 550 pages.

Availability of Books by West Bengal Text Book Corporation

Books published by WEST BENGAL TEXT BOOK CORPORATION are now available from the GOVERNMENT SALES COUNTER, SARASWATY PRESS LTD., 32, A.P.C. RD., KOLKATA-700009. Phone No. 033-23515846

Books of West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education

Bengali A for Class XI and Bengali B for Class XI & XII – printed & distributed by Orient Blackswan. Bangalir Bhasha o Sanskriti – printed & distributed by Book Syndicate.

Notice for Book Publisher of Class XI for 2013-2015

Books may be both in black & white and color and size of the book must be Double Crown 1/8 for Geography and Royal for all other subjects.

Inclusion of Books published by WBBSE and WBBPE in Booklist

The Heads of the institutions are requested to ensure that books are included for studies in different classes of the recognized schools of the WBBSE from the academic year 2013 (w.e.f. 01.01.2013).

Price of books published by WBBSE and WBBPE for 2013

Sahaj Path-I = Rs.10.00, Amar Boi-I = Rs.75.00, Sahaj Path-II = Rs.10.00, Kishalay-II = Rs.12.00, Naba Ganit Mukul-II = Rs.30.00, English-II = Rs.12.00, Pata Bahar-III = Rs.35.00, Amar Ganit -III = Rs.45.00.

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