

Treasury is the pivot of financial administration in the State. All Treasuries and Sub-Treasuries in a District are headed by the Collector of the district.

Payment of Salary for the Month of September, 2014

Salary in respect of all State Govt. Employees may be paid on 26.09.2014. Wages, Honorarium, Stipend and Remuneration of any kind payable monthly may be paid on 26.09.2014 in Kolkata and districts.

Only Govt. Official may act as Drawing and Disbursing Officer

All the Administrative Departments are requested to ensure that only a Government officer designated as Chief Executive officer/ Executive officer/ Project officer/ Finance officer of a local body is declared as its DDO.

Passing of Bills in Anticipation of Allotment upto Dec, 2014

State Government has decided to allow drawal of fund from the Treasuries/ Pay & Accounts Offices in anticipation of allotment of fund for the following items of expenditure for the period upto 31st December, 2014

Guidelines for Drawal of Bills for the Financial Year 2014-15

State Government has decided to allow drawal of fund from the treasuries/ Pay and Accounts offices of the State Government in anticipation of allotment of fund for the following items of expenditure for the period upto 31st July, 2014.

Submission of 24G/ 24Q/ 26Q by TOs and DDOs within 31.03.2014

All the DDO’s/ Cheque drawing officers of Works and Forest Dptts./ Treasury officers and departmental authorities are requested file returns within 31.3.2014 and thus be relieved of the fines and penalties already imposed by the IT authority.

Directions to Treasuries for Financial year Ending, 2013-14

All bills, in respect of which payment is desired by 31.03.2014. should be presented to Treasuries so that the Treasury Officers may have sufficient time to make payment by that date.

Release of Fund from PAO & Treasury upto March, 2014

All the Departments are requested to make available to all offices under its control necessary allotment of fund within the last working day of the financial year 2013-2014 to square off the shortfall under various detailed heads for which bills were passed by the Treasuries/ Pay and Accounts Offices in anticipation of allotment of fund.

Release of Fund from PAO & Treasury for Financial Year 2013-14

Salary/ Remuneration/ Wages; Honorarium and Additional Honorarium for ICDS staff and expenditure for running ICDS centres; Stipends in respect of Internees, House-staff, P.G. Students and Trainee Nurses of Medical Colleges and hospitals;

Medical Reimbursment Bill in anticipation of Allotment 2012-13

Bills towards medical reimbursement drawn under the detailed head 07-Medical Reimbursement may also be passed in anticipation of allotment of fund for the period upto the end of the financial year 2012-2013.

Last Date of Treasury Transaction for Financial Year 2012-13

The last date for all the treasury transactions in respect of the financial year 2012-2013 is rescheduled to 28.03.2013 in case of Jalpaiguri Division instead of 26.03.2013 as stated earlier.

Programme of Treasury for Closing of Financial Year 2012-13

To ensure speedy and timely disposal of the Bills and for proper checking and correct booking of all the transactions of this financial year by 28th March, 2013.

Officers of WBAA Service Designated as Treasury Officer

Officers of West Bengal Audit Accounts Service belonging to batch – 2004, who are now posted as Treasury Officers-in-Charge in different Treasuries of the State are hereby designated as Treasury Officers of the respective Treasuries.

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