The West Bengal Rules of Business are guidelines that govern the functioning of the state government, outlining the responsibilities, powers, and procedures for the effective administration of various departments and ministries.
The West Bengal Rules of Business are guidelines that govern the functioning of the state government, outlining the responsibilities, powers, and procedures for the effective administration of various departments and ministries.
Promotion, facilitation and regulation of industry, trade and commerce in the State save as otherwise provided, including Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises and Textiles.
Micro, small and medium enterprises and textiles including sericulture declared by or under law made by Parliament to be necessary for the purpose of defence or for the prosecution of war.
All matters related to the welfare and development of the Scheduled Tribes, including provision of funds; Tribal sub-plan. Constitutional matters. All matters pertaining to the identification of Scheduled Tribes.
All matters related to the welfare and development of the Scheduled Castes and Other Backward Classes including provision of funds; sub-plan. Constitutional matters relating to the Scheduled Castes and Other Backward Classes.