

Yuva Utsaha Prakalpa (YUP), 2013 renamed as Yuvasree which was implemented throughout the State of West Bengal by Labour Department vide No. 175-Emp dated 29.08.2013.

Scheme for Skill Development for the Registered Job-seekers

Providing training for registered job-seekers through selected Institutions, certification thereof and disbursement of subsidy for such training programmes upto a maximum amount of Rs. 5000/- or 50% of the course fee whichever is less.

Yuvasree for Completely Unemployed Job-Seekers

In the Resolution No. 175-Emp. Dated 29-08-2013, under para-5 titled ‘Eligibility Criteria’, replace the word ‘Unemployed’ with ‘Completely Unemployed’ in Clause-5(A) (1) of the Scheme.